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Accept His Amazing Love

Accept His Amazing Love

The more in love we are with the Father and with our Savior, the more we become like Jesus Himself. And that’s not unique to the relationship between our Creator God and us, His creation. Maybe you’ve noticed that couples who have been married for a long time say that they know each other well enough to be able to complete the other person’s sentences. Imagine having that same relationship with God—to communicate with Him so intimately and often that we know His thoughts well and can complete His sentences. Imagine the benefits of such a relationship; imagine the strength and peace that would come with that kind of loving and that sense of being loved.

God longs to share His heart with us. He is not looking for perfect little robots programmed to follow His directions, but for people who will receive His love and love Him and others in response. I think it’s very difficult for us to embrace the love of God because we have never been loved that way before. That’s because all human love—even the best we have experienced— is conditional and is impacted by our behavior or changing circumstances. But God’s love is not. God wants people who will share His heart and work with Him for things that have eternal worth.

In what ways would your life—your thoughts, words, and actions—be different if you walked around every day with a deep awareness of the truth that you are overwhelmingly loved?

What steps can you take toward living in the truth that God’s love for you is immeasurable, unconditional, and unshakable?

God of love, may the truth that You love me not just be a fact I hold in my head, but a truth that lives in my heart and guides me 24/7. You love me . . . I sit in awe of that truth, feeling thankful and blessed, humbled and joyful. Thank You for Your love—and teach me, in response, to love You and others well.

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Your Turn

We’d love to hear your responses to Sheila’s questions. How has experiencing God’s unfailing and unconditional love changed the ways that you relate with Him and others? Please share your thoughts and comments on our blog. ~ Devotionals Daily