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Catch of the Day: Wisdom

Catch of the Day: Wisdom

“Are there those among you who are truly wise and understanding? Then they should show it by living right and doing good things with a gentleness that comes from wisdom.” — James 3:13 (NCV)

As bass get bigger and older, they do indeed get wiser and more difficult to catch. One of their tricks is to feed mainly at night. Another is to spend most of their time about ten feet deep, a depth that a lot of fishermen don’t fish.

In life, we are supposed to get more wisdom and understanding. What we do with these gifts is up to us. God says we show these gifts by the way we live. We do good for those around us, and we must indeed mellow with age. I am a hard-charging guy, but I do want wisdom. I do want understanding. If God grants these requests, I must realize that along with wisdom and understanding come some pretty big responsibilities, especially in living right.


Swim a jig around boats in floating docks, even in deep water.