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A Holy Dare

A Holy Dare

holy dare all inMore than a hundred years ago, a British revivalist issued a holy dare that would change a life, a city, and a generation. That timeless challenge echoes across every generation:

The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.

The original hearer of that call to consecration was D. L. Moody. When those words hit his eardrums, they didn’t just fire across synapses and register in his auditory cortex. They shot straight to his soul. That call to consecration defined his life. And his life, in turn, defined consecration.

It was Moody’s all in moment.

Maybe this is yours?

In The Circle Maker, the prequel to All In, I wrote about the importance of prayer. It’s the difference between the best you can do and the best God can do. You’ve got to pray a circle around the promises of God the same way the Israelites circled Jericho. And you keep circling until He answers. But you can’t just pray like it depends on God. You also have to work like it depends on you. You can’t just draw the circle. You also have to draw a line in the sand.

You are only one decision away from a totally different life.

Of course, it will probably be the toughest decision you’ll ever make. But if you have the courage to completely surrender yourself to the lordship of Jesus Christ, there is no telling what God will do. All bets are off because all bets are on God.

D. L. Moody left an indelible imprint on his generation. In the late 1800s, his sermons contributed to a great spiritual awakening worldwide. And more than a century later, his passion for the gospel continues to indirectly influence millions of people through Moody Church, Moody Bible Institute, and Moody Publishers.

Moody left an amazing legacy, but it all started with a call to consecration. It always does. And nothing has changed. The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.

Why not you? Why not now?

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Your Turn

Are you “all in”? What do you feel God wants to do with and for and through and in you? Pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on you! Leave your comments on our blog! We would love to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily