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Hope Heals Our Broken Dreams

Romans 15:4


For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. — Romans 15:4


1 Peter 1:3; Romans 5:5

We were out of options the day the sheriff’s car pulled into our driveway. After a series of unfortunate events, things had gone from bad to worse to hopeless.

The officer’s smile did nothing to relieve the discomfort of this dreadful moment. As she handed me the papers, I began to cry. Acknowledging the baby in my arms and the toddler peeking out from behind me, she kindly said, “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, as I slowly closed the door.

I read through the official documents. Elaborate legal terms, laws I didn’t understand, and words in bold letters conveyed the dreadful news: “You must vacate the premises within thirty days.”


It was unwanted and unavoidable. It felt shameful and embarrassing. It launched our family into an aching process of letting go.

The carefully painted mustard-yellow walls: I would miss them. How would I survive without the afternoon play dates with my neighbor and her children? And what about all those economical hot dog dinners my husband and I ate so we could save just a little more to buy this home?

Any hope I had left faded fast. Hope wasn’t something I could muster on my own. I knew I needed access to a greater hope — the kind of hope the apostle Paul describes: “For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4).

During this devastating season of broken dreams, I needed the deep, historical roots of hope the Bible offers.

I could find hope because Abraham and Sarah found hope by believing God would give them a child in their old age (Genesis 15, Genesis 17, Genesis 18) . I could find hope because Ruth and Naomi found hope by trusting God would provide for them after they lost their husbands (Ruth 3). I could find hope because Mary and Martha found hope when Jesus raised their brother from the dead (John 11).

As I closed the door to our home for the last time, I accepted this place of brokenness. But I also made a choice to find hope no matter what. I found hope when my daughters excitedly explored our new rental home. I found hope when my mom cheerfully helped unpack our boxes. I found hope when my husband’s heart drew closer to mine through this difficult experience.

Hope is at the core of our faith in Christ. As we allow His hope to flow into us, it will flow through us even in the most difficult circumstances.

If you are struggling today, take heart. Look back at those in the pages of Scripture who had hope. Allow their hope to give you courage and hope for your future. Hope heals our broken dreams.

Dear Lord, thank You for the hope You give me to heal the broken places in my life. I ask that You would give me the strength to find hope today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


When life’s broken places lead us to Jesus, ultimately we will find hope.

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Your Turn

Why do you think it is so challenging to find hope in the midst of our dark circumstances? If you are feeling hopeless, reach out to a friend or two. Ask your friends to share an experience in which God gave them hope. What about you? You’re invited to leave your comments on our blog! ~ Devotionals Daily