Jesus Died for This?: A Religious Satirist's Search for the Risen Christ - Audiobook (Unabridged)

By: Becky Garrison
Narrated by: Becky Garrison
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From the author: When I arrived at Yale Divinity School back in 1988, I expected to engage in an intense period of discussion and self-reflection around issues like eschatology, evangelism, and ecclesiology with fellow Protestants of all stripes (with a few Catholics thrown in as sort of a guilty pleasure). After all, despite our theological differences, surely we all at least bought into this Nicene Creed biz where it clearly states that Jesus was born, died, and then rose again from the dead? Silly me. Instead way, way, way too much time was spent navel gazing over trivial topics like Why can’t priests be promiscuous? What priestly perks come with this parish? Is YDS a Christian’ divinity school? (This Q comes courtesy of the fundy faithful) and my favorite Why don’t you use ^%$#@ inclusive language in worship? (Uh, Jesus was a “dude.

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