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When You Are Tempted

When You Are Tempted

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. — 1 Corinthians 10:13

The premise of the 1983 hit movie Mr. Mom is what happens in a family when the husband gets laid off and becomes a stay-at-home dad and the mother of the family’s young children reenters the workplace. It’s a funny film that also includes a powerful lesson about temptation.

The temptation scene comes at the end of the movie. Due to a whole series of misunderstandings, the stressed-out husband and wife are barely speaking. To make matters worse, both are being seduced — she by her annoying boss, he by a sultry neighbor. Jack, the husband, is clearly torn. Given the sad state of his marriage, the forbidden fruit is very tantalizing. The grass on the other side of the marital fence definitely looks greener. But after wrestling with his options, he reminds himself of his love for his wife, which keeps him from giving in to temptation.

Notice that the Bible assures us that temptations will come. They are a fact of life in a fallen world. Notice also that we’re not unique in the kinds of temptations we experience. Others wrestle with the same kinds of messes. The key verses today remind us that God is faithful. He will never allow a temptation so strong that we are unable to resist. In every inducement to evil, God will show us a way out, a way of escape.

The best escape, as we’ve already noted, is love.

When we love Christ above all else, when He is the great desire of our lives and the One we want most to please, it becomes much easier to say no to sin.

Prayer Father, increase my love for You as I face the temptations in my life . . .

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Your Turn

Are you facing temptation? Saying no to sin is a challenge, but not an impossible one. Pray the prayer above specifically to the situation you are facing and ask Him to show you the way out or give you the grace to endure faithfully. Please leave your thoughts on today’s devotional, Love Conquers All, on our blog! We would love to hear from you! ~Devotionals Daily