When it's time for our kids to leave the nest... it's time for us to pray.
Learn to pray powerfully with the FREE 3-Week Graduation Prayers for Parents Guide - with personalized, Scripture-based prayers for your child's future!
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Graduation is a time of excitement and sometimes uncertainty — you know how stressful it can be for everybody. And while there are tons of resources for new graduates, there aren’t many for parents of graduates, who are also adjusting to a new normal! Our Graduation Prayers for Parents Guide features 21 prayers you can pray for your new grad and their future.
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Hear from Jodie Berndt, who wrote the 21 prayers in our guide, about God's role in your children's future:
What's in the Graduation Prayers for Parents Guide:
The Graduation Guide for Parents Prayer Guide contains 21 separate personalized prayers you can pray for your grad - each based on Scripture - with room to write in your son or daughter's name. With three weeks of guided prayers, you'll be equipped with Biblical-based conversations to have with God as you and your family adjust to a new family dynamic.

As a bonus, we've included 10 Prayer Principles containing helpful and encouraging reminders about your child's future and the plans God has for your son or daughter. Keep these principles in mind as you pray over their growth.
These prayers are written by prayer warrior and author Jodie Berndt, excerpted from her books Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children and Praying the Scriptures for Your Teens.
Print out the prayers and keep them in your nightstand, tacked on your bulletin board, or saved to your phone so you can refer to them whenever you feel unsure about the future or want to talk to God about your child.
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A Note from the Author

"I don’t know where you are right now or what decisions your family is facing, but I am confident of this: God loves your child, and He has a wonderful plan for his or her life.
As you look back on all the ways that God has answered your prayers — from the days even before your son or daughter was born until right now, when God is continuing the good work that He has already started (Philippians 1:6) — take a few moments to thank Him. Look back over His track record of faithfulness.
You may not know what the future holds, but you know who holds the future."
~ Jodie Berndt, author of Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children
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