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Get the FREE downloadable kit—road tested by a Ph.D. and real moms like you!

Moms, are you longing to have real conversations with you son, when only monosyllables seem possible? Are you looking for connection but your growing boy seems moody, defiant, or uninterested? You need to learn a new language to communicate – the language of RESPECT-TALK! See how it plays out through texting!

We hear so much today about the negative effects of texting, but texting can also be used for good — to communicate with you sons on their level! You can use this texting technology to lift up and encourage your sons, and they will feel your support without feeling smothered. Seriously - texting can be a fun, easy, and quick way to strengthen your relationship with your son, whether he's nine or twenty-nine!

This FREE downloadable kit from Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, best-selling author of Love & Respect, now applies the same biblical understanding to one of the most misunderstood relationships of all in his new book, Mother & Son: The Respect Effect. You'll get in this download more than 21 texts and conversations starters, plus some other great BONUSES. Sign up today to get instant access!

What Moms Are Saying

My relationship with my twenty-two-year-old son improved overnight! Who knew that... simple changes in words could make such a difference. Now I tell him how much I appreciate him, and he tears up. Before, I told him I loved him and got back, "I know, I know, I luv u too." Learning the right words to get my feelings across in a way they can be assimilated was so easy!

Instead of always ending our conversation with I love you, I said, “I respect (I made it personal to their situations).” One son got quiet and then said, “Thank you, mom,” which really touched my heart. Another son who is more distant from us emotionally and spiritually also got quiet and then said, “I love you,” which he seldom says first or responds to when I say it. To me that was awesome. I expect new fruit in many areas and look forward to using these tools to bring healing to first myself and then others.

I have written him letters in the past to tell him I love him and how much he means to me (he is very sentimental and has kept every note and letter). But telling him I respect him went over the top. I have made a vow to respect my son and treat him like I want his future spouse to treat him.

When my son gives me his insight I say, “I really respect what you have to say,” or “I respect the way you handled that situation.” Or “I really respect how you are taking initiative to get things done and follow through with . . .” These things have made my son smile like I have never seen. I talk more about respect with regard to sporting events and showing respect for other opponents. My son knows without a doubt that I love him . . . now I feel he knows that I value him and his ideas, which I may not have done so well in the past. . . . Thank you so much for sharing God’s message.

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  • 11 Sample Mobile Texts
  • 10 of the Most Powerful Sentences You Can Say to Your Son
  • 6 Conversation Starters
  • 8 Flash Cards for When You Need a Quick Reference