Online Bible Study Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I sign up for the Facebook private group? What's that all about?
Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/faithgatewayobs as a way to engage with other participants in the study! This is the place for people who want more daily interaction and community. Be sure to read the community rules and remember to keep conversations on topic with no soliciting. We’d love to have you be a part of this group!
What other ways can we engage with the online participants?
Every Thursday during our study we have live online chats from 2-3 p.m. EST and 9-10 p.m. EST, where we go through each week’s study questions and talk about the video lesson. These are hosted by a moderator/small group leader and are FREE for all participants. Find the chats HERE.
My Internet connection is slow. Can I buy the DVDs and watch the videos that way?
Yes! The videos that are on the DVDs are the same videos as what will appear online. This is a nice option if you’re in a traditional church setting and don’t have an Internet connection, or if you want to do the study later and go at your own pace!
I don't live in the USA and want to do this Bible study. How can I obtain the materials please?
Anyone with Internet access can watch the videos for FREE week by week, and follow along with our weekly emails. For the companion book or study guide, we recommend checking with your local Christian bookstore or online retailer (like Amazon Canada or Amazon UK).
I'm already part of a small group at church. How can we do this study with you?
All of the online activities associated with this study are optional. You can still structure your group like a traditional Bible study using the free downloads we’ve provided and the study materials in the book. Feel free to follow our study calendar and meet every week for 5 weeks or set up your own schedule and go at your group’s pace
What communication can I expect to receive? I don't want to be inundated with emails.
After sign up you’ll receive an email a week as you’re going through the study. We’ll keep you updated on the assigned reading for the week and where to watch your companion videos. With your registration you will also start to receive the FaithGateway Women’s newsletter – delivery twice/week and our weekly Deals email. You can unsubscribe from any of these at any time.
Is this something I could do via Skype? I am looking for a study to do with my friends , but we are in different cities.
Absolutely! The weekly videos will be available online so you could get on Skype (or Google Hangouts, iChat, or whatever), watch them at the same time, then talk and process through the questions and each week’s reading together. We love this idea! What an awesome way to bond with friends across the miles.
Is this online Bible study just for women?
Everyone and anyone is welcome to join When God Doesn’t Fix online Bible study. These studies appeal to women but the Scriptural truths and study of God’s Word are for everyone.