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28-Day Prayer Journey — Let’s Wrap It Up!

28-Day Prayer Journey — Let’s Wrap It Up!

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. — 1 John 5:14

You have a God who created all of this beauty who is waiting to talk to you wherever you are whenever you want to… and that’s good news! ~ Chrystal

Friends, it’s recap week! I honestly love it. It’s time to go through our notes, re-watch videos, fill in anything we missed, memorize our favorite verses… All the good stuff!

Prayer changes everything!

In this study, we learned to practice the four postures of prayer called out in Scripture with the acronym P.R.A.Y. — thanksgiving & praise (P), repentance (R), requesting/asking (A), yielding (Y). I don’t know about you, but this truly helped me in my prayer walk!

Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. — Matthew 6:8

Making prayer even more of a habit, something that’s just like breathing, not something that is set aside like a chore for later is so important. It’s something we need to be doing all day like checking our phones!

We need that regular rhythm in our lives with God talking to Him as we would with a person who is right beside us because He is right with us. This is about relationship with Him, one that is increasing in intimacy. So, we can bring anything to Him in full faith that He will hear us, care about what we’re saying, listen, and respond. Whether it’s about us praising Him for who He is, thanking Him for what He’s done, repenting for what we’ve done wrong, asking for what we need, praying for a friend’s situation, or asking Him for His advice and direction, He’s there and He’s in it with us!

Prayer is the way you can plug into the power, perception, and purpose that can only be found in God’s presence. It’s a gift that will help you and me to experience God’s love more fully and to return His love in genuine relationship. It’s the key that unlocks connection, belonging, wisdom, counsel, and help. ~ Chrystal

Praise focuses on who God is. Thanksgiving focuses on what God has done. ~ Chrystal

When times are good, we need prayer. When times are scary or unsure, we need prayer. When times are blah, we need prayer. And, especially in hard times, friends, we need prayer. We’ve got to praise Him, we’ve got to thank Him!

Choose it. Walk in it. Say it. Sing it. Dance it.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. — Psalm 103:1

I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” And You forgave the guilt of my sin. — Psalm 32:5

I loved delving into confession and forgiveness in this study. It’s easy to let those slide in our daily lives, right? At least it is for me. But, we mustn’t!

Forgiveness from God is like removing an anvil from your chest. It’s breathing clean air after being trapped in a burning building. It’s freedom from the prison of guilt and shame!

Every act of forgiveness, every act of letting go is an act of healing… you! ~ Chrystal

Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full. — John 16:24

God is able to do what we cannot even dream. ~ Chrystal

God wants to hear what we need and want. He wants us to know Him and know His Word and ask according to His will… All of which requires abiding in Him. Relationship!

Rejoice in His “yes”. Trust Him in His “no”. Be patient in His “wait”.

I want to live in God’s way, not my way. You too?

What God is after is a man or a woman who is yielded to Him, so completely surrendered, so completely willing to make room for what He wants that our hearts are easily moved by the Spirit of God to the purposes of God. ~ Chrystal

Bless the Lord, o my soul, and forget not His benefits. — Psalm 103:2