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Beach Days: Salt-Air Hair

Beach Days: Salt-Air Hair

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. Proverbs 21:30 NIV

When we visit the beach, why does our hair frizz, turn into unwanted curls or a lack of them, or flail out in flyaways? Our hair just frustrates us as it blows around in the salty breeze.

We smooth it down. We may even comb conditioner through it. Or we stuff it into a loose bun or ponytail, hoping that will keep wild strands in check. We might as well give up! We have salt-air hair.

Today’s verse wasn’t written with salt-air hair in mind, but beach-blown hair can remind us of this truth:

  • some things are just out of our control. And our best efforts, no matter how intelligent or skillful they are, cannot succeed against God.

We can laugh about this when it comes to frizzy beach hair; we can even try to embrace our over-curly locks. But there are times when the situation is not so funny, times when evil seems to be winning: our child is being bullied, our best friend is making a destructive decision, or a boss’s words are cutting and dismissive.

No matter how things appear, God instructs us to let Him guide us in all things (Proverbs 3:5–6). We know that His answers alone will succeed —

The victory belongs to the LORD.Proverbs 21:31

Savor this truth and leave the hair gel behind today! Let your hair fly free as a reminder that your soul does as well.

Father God, I don’t have to worry about how to fix all the problems in life; You will take care of them. That frees me, and I thank You!


Escape the Ebb Tide

In Your unfailing love, O God, answer my prayer with Your sure salvation. — Psalm 69:13

Ebb tide describes the outgoing tide — the period between high tide and low. As women, we may find that our ebb tides can be almost worse than our low tides: that stumbling forward, receding, that feeling of helplessness. An ebb tide is a period of decline. It might be late notices on bills you cannot pay. The husband who seems distant. The announcement confirming layoffs are pending. We cannot get resolution, and we don’t know whether to move forward or sideways. We’re caught.

Sometimes these events unfold because of our bad decisions. Sometimes they have nothing to do with us. Regardless, we realize we are not in control — and we never were.

Psalm 69 shows David in a similar place. “Exhausted from crying for help,” he couldn’t “find a foothold” while “waiting for [his] God to help” (Psalm 69:2–3). He suffered from ridicule and scorn. Whispers about his activities abounded, with added embellishment. But he waited and stayed faithful, knowing God’s “sure salvation” would come.

When you find yourself being swept into the ebb tide, remember David’s prayer.

  • Trust God’s timing and the provision that will come.

And remember, the tide will rise again to take you safely back to shore.

Father, thank You for David’s reminder to call out to You in seemingly hopeless situations. Let me not forget to praise You in times of both plenty and lack.

Excerpted with permission from Devotions from the Beach, copyright Thomas Nelson.

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Your Turn

We are not in control even in those moments when we may delude ourselves into thinking we are. But, God is always in control and He is mighty in power! Come share your thoughts with us about the victory belonging to Him. We want to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily