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Cover Your Child with Prayer = God’s Presence

Cover Your Child with Prayer = God’s Presence

A note from author Jodie Berndt on why she journals her prayers:

“I’ve kept a journal for as long as I can remember. It’s the place I record scriptural insights when the Holy Spirit reveals something fresh in the Bible, it’s where I write about the ways I see God’s hand at work, and — most of all — it’s how I pray, spilling my heart onto the pages as I ask God to work in the lives of the people I love. Praying the Scriptures Journal combines all of these things, and more. You’ll find encouraging Scripture verses, time-tested prayer principles, and inspiring quotes from beloved authors. Plus, I’m sharing some of my most favorite scripture-prayers, verses that have anchored my faith as well as my parenting journey. It doesn’t matter whether your child is a toddler, a teen, or an adult, God knows their needs. And when we allow His Word to shape our thoughts and desires, we can be confident that our prayers will line up with the good things He already has planned.”


I don’t know who coined the term “prayer covering,” or who it was that first offered to “cover” someone in prayer. (Maybe it comes from verses like Psalm 5:12, which talks about God covering us with his favor?)

Again, I don’t know.

But when I was a guest on Focus on the Family, I said that one of the reasons I like praying the Scriptures so much is that,

when we pray God’s Word over our kids, we literally cover them with the presence of Christ.

The Gospel of John tells us that Jesus is the Word, and that He always has been. So when we use the Bible to shape our prayers for our kids – when we “cover” them with God’s promises – what we are really doing is blanketing them with His love.

With His protection.

With His very person. His presence.

During that radio interview, I mentioned a line from a poem I’d once heard – something about how when our children are young, we tuck them into bed and cover them with a blanket, but that when they are older and out of our reach, we cover them with our prayers. I didn’t remember the poem or its author, but the team of Focus on the Family researchers looked it up.

And sent it to me.

And I liked it so much that I figured I’d share it with you. The poem is called “Mother’s Cover,” and it’s by a woman named Dona Maddux Cooper. Here you go:

“When you were small and just a touch away,
I covered you with blankets against the cold night air.
But now that you are tall and out of reach,
I fold my hands and cover you with prayer.”


Isn’t that a good one?

I don’t know where your children are today (and to be honest, I’m not entirely sure where my beloveds are, either!), but I do know that our kids are never out of God’s reach, and that He invites us to join Him in the work that He wants to do in their lives.

He invites us to pray.

And if you’re like me and you like the idea of blanketing your loved ones with God’s presence, here’s another “covering” verse we can pray:

Heavenly Father,
Cover ______ with your feathers. May they find refuge under Your wings. Let Your faithfulness be their shield. (Psalm 91:4)

Written by Jodie Berndt, author of Praying the Scriptures for Your Children, Praying the Scriptures for Your Teens, and Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children.

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Your Turn

Let’s pray for our kids! God will never leave them, never forsake them. Wherever they go, the Lord is with them. As parents, we have the privilege of covering them in scriptural prayer. Let’s do it! ~ Devotionals Daily