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Faith Larger Than Your Circumstances

Faith Larger Than Your Circumstances

“Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering...” So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac. And he cut the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. — Genesis 22:2–3

Has God ever told you to do something, and it was the last thing you wanted to do? 

This is often the way it goes between God and me. He has repeatedly called me to the very thing I don’t want to do with every fiber of my being. It usually looks like practicing patience, giving my precious time to serve, stepping out of my comfort zone totally in faith, or extending forgiveness and love to someone difficult.

What about you? How creative have you gotten trying to buy yourself more time, because you know better than to say no, but you’re terrified to say yes? Maybe God has called you to start a business or ministry, lay something down, forgive someone, or start tithing... and you’ve been dragging your feet.

When I was in this spot, the Lord spoke to me through the story of Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22). God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, and Abraham didn’t just obey halfheartedly. When he traveled to the land of Moriah to perform the sacrifice, Abraham brought servants, donkeys, plenty of wood, and other materials he would need. He didn’t go kicking and screaming; he walked in bold faith that this call to obedience was for something much greater than what made sense in that moment.

And after Abraham made his way up the mountain, prepared the altar, and lifted the knife to take his own son’s life, the Lord delivered a ram to take Isaac’s place.

When I read that, I’m reminded that 

God’s plans are bigger than we can know, and He asks for our obedience in the unknown.

He asks that we show up, that we seek Him, that we obey Him. If Abraham had not carried out the Lord’s order fully, he may have never received the deliverance the Lord had in store all along.

I want to challenge you today to take inventory of the things the Lord has placed on your heart that you’ve put off. Whether you’ve done so because you’re afraid, or you just didn’t think you were ready, I want to encourage you to write them down and ask Him what He wants you to take action on. 

  • God will provide for you as you move forward in faith. Ask Him where you need to be obedient, and then walk as though the provision is already in place.

Heavenly Father, thank You for going before me and preparing me with all that I need to be victorious. Forgive me for playing small, or only meeting You halfway because I’m afraid of stepping out completely in faith. Help me to obey, confident of Your ability rather than my own. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Excerpted in permission from This Is Not Forever by Sarah Grace Hallas, copyright Sarah Grace Lima.

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Your Turn 

Is it your habit to obey immediately and completely? What if what God is calling you towards is bigger and better than you can imagine? What if it’s really hard and yet He provides in miraculous ways? Step out in faith! ~ Devotionals Daily