In this passage of Romans, Paul very clearly stated that we are made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ. This assertion was a massive shift for the Jews. Prior to Jesus, obeying the Mosaic law was paramount. But
Jesus, the Messiah, changed everything.
Salvation is now a free gift, paid for with Jesus’ blood and sealed with His resurrection. And this gift is offered not just to the Jews — it is for everyone. God’s redemptive work on the cross and through the resurrection of Jesus took place apart from the law (v. 21) and is for both the gentiles who do not have the law and for the Jews who do not obey the law. This includes me and you!
Does that mean the law doesn’t matter anymore? Not at all. The law reveals that we all fall short of God’s perfect standard; it shows us our need for Jesus. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, and now through Him we can fulfill the law. We get to do what is right, not in order to be made righteous but to reveal the righteousness we have already received through Christ.
Begin with a time of silence.
Still your body... Slow your breathing... Quiet your mind.
Focus on being fully present in this moment, right here, right now.
Opening Prayer
Savior of my soul,
I come to You with holy boldness.
I know You hear my prayers.
You love me with an everlasting love.
You saved me by Your indescribable grace.
I invite You to speak to me,
to search my heart and shape my life. Show me what is right.
Open my eyes to see You.
Open my ears to hear Your voice.
Open my heart to receive Your Word.
Open my hands to accept whatever
You give.
- Draw close to me, Lord, as I draw close to You.
Read & Meditate
Read through the Bible passage three times, taking time to pause and pray and quietly listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart.
We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in His grace, freely makes us right in His sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when He freed us from the penalty for our sins...
Can we boast, then, that we have done anything to be accepted by God? No, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law. It is based on faith. So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.
— Romans 3:22–24, 27–28
What is one word or phrase that stands out to you?
In silence, meditate on this word or phrase.
This time, pray through the passage, reading phrase by phrase. Talk to God, pausing to listen and respond to Him as you read.
In silence, bring your attention to the present moment.
Sit in stillness again as you contemplate the word or phrase that stood out to you and how it may apply to your life right now.
Notice your body: What are you feeling right now?
Notice your thoughts: What are you thinking right now? Notice your circumstances: What is happening in your life right now?
Compassionately consider these things, and listen to what the Holy Spirit may be revealing to you in light of today’s reading and meditation. What invitation might God be extending to you today?
Surrendering Prayer
As I prepare to enter into the rest of my day, Lord,
May the faith that saved me be the faith that shapes me.
The evidence of my salvation is not found in my feelings, but it is rooted in Your promise and secured by Your love.
May my pace be slow and unhurried, ever aware of Your presence with me.
May my mind be attentive and clear, noticing the gift of every moment.
May my heart be gentle and kind, showing compassion to myself and others.
Today, I want to stay near the cross.
You gave Your life for me, and I want to live my life for You.
Keep turning my thoughts to whatever is right. Transform me to be more like You.
Continue to contemplate the word and invitation God gave you today.
Consider: What evidence of faith is there in your life right now? In what ways might you still be trying to “earn” salvation?
Excerpted with permission from Present in Prayer by Jennifer Tucker, copyright Jennifer Tucker.
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Your Turn
We get to do what is right. It’s by our choice to follow Jesus and worship Him with our behavior. We’re not going to do it perfectly; we will fall short. But, that’s why we are desperate for Him! We can’t earn our salvation; it’s a free gift. Let’s receive it! ~ Devotionals Daily