Editor’s note: In his new book, Tyler Staton invites us to know and relate with the Holy Spirit in a fresh and deeper way in order to live fully alive and abundantly. Enjoy this devotion from The Familiar Stranger.
The apostle Paul, no stranger to suffering, offers a surprising take [on our earthly sufferings]:
We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.1
Suffering may be many things, but glorious?
The indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, both in the story of Scripture and the life of the believer, means holding the wonder of the miraculous and the tragedy of suffering in tension. That’s a tension that has, understandably, caused many to storm out of a healing prayer seminar, scream angry prayers at God through tears, and throw a book like this one against a wall.
It is striking, then, that the very tension many find unbearable is celebrated on the pages of the New Testament — most prominently in the writings of Paul. His sentiment in Romans 5, connecting the experience of human suffering to the power of the Holy Spirit, is not an anomaly but a pattern in his letters. Nearly verbatim statements are made elsewhere in the letters to the Roman, Corinthian, and Philippian churches.2
So, what are we missing that the ancients knew about the power of the Holy Spirit amid the injustice of suffering? How on earth does suffering connect to glory? And, most personally for me, what does the presence and power of the Holy Spirit mean, not in the peak moment of encounter in the closing moments of a worship gathering, but right here and now where I sit as I write these words — in the chemotherapy infusion unit of the hospital, stomach turning with nausea, room spinning, eyes struggling to focus?
The Holy Spirit fills us with resurrection power to live in the “already” Kingdom right now.
And the same Holy Spirit fills us with redemptive patience to bear with the suffering of the “not yet” Kingdom we still await. The best-kept secret about the Holy Spirit is that His power is just as living, active, and present in our suffering as it is in our triumphs. In fact, as impossible as it may be to believe, the biblical portrait of the Holy Spirit is so intimate and dignifying that not an ounce of suffering from even one of His children will be for naught. All the pain we face is repurposed by the Spirit as a key ingredient in the redemption of the world.
But to bring that idea from the cloudy place of theology and ground it in the actual place of day-to-day life requires a look at the biblical story through a forgotten lens.
Satan, the Author of Suffering
The biblical story does not begin with conflict, but union. In contrast with every other ancient Near Eastern creation story, Genesis begins with goodness, not violence or suffering. God did not create a world of pain but a place He called “good” every step of the way and “very good” when His work was done. He created people to live in paradise, the union of Heaven and earth, apart from death, grief, sadness, and pain.
Turn just a single page, though, and God’s very good creation was corrupted by a deceiver. God told one story. The serpent told another. Humanity believed the serpent, and the world as we know it is the product of the lie our ancestors believed. As my friend Pete Hughes often says, “The story you live in is the story you live out.” All of our trouble is the product of a curse that infected every aspect of God’s good world.
Why do we weep over caskets? Why would a life begin in a mother’s womb only to die there before he or she lives a single day? Why does a tsunami wave wash over the coast of Indonesia or a hurricane ram into the heart of New Orleans? Why does a disease in one person in Wuhan spread until the whole world is paralyzed? Not because God willed any of it, but because the consequences of this curse are of the furthest-reaching variety.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that all suffering is the direct result of any individual’s particular sin. I’m saying that living outside of Eden has consequences. Death and sin have infected the very world we live in, and all suffering is a symptom of sin (the world we chose) not God (the good world He created).
Many ask the “why” question to God about suffering, and that’s an important question. It’s not the only question, though. There’s a second, equally important question that colors and shapes the first. “How does God feel about suffering?” Genesis chapter 6 gives the answer:
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that He had made human beings on the earth, and His heart was deeply troubled.3
God looked at the consequences of sin — the way people treated each other; the thoughts that ran through our neural pathways; the mixed motives, manipulation, and selfish intentions within us; the suffering it all produced as history rolled by — and He “regretted” making creation in the first place. God’s elation in Genesis 1 is matched by His grief in Genesis 6.
- Suffering grieves God’s heart. It grieves His heart even more than it grieves mine or yours.
No wonder, then, that God’s presence and power is especially focused on those who suffer — the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized. He’s our father, and every loving parent is quick to give care to a child in crisis. Legend has it that Susanna Wesley, mother to famed revivalists John and Charles Wesley, was once asked which of her nineteen children she loved the most. Her immediate response was, “The one who is sick, lost, hurting, or forgotten.” God is a parent whose heart is disproportionately drawn to the suffering child.
But God doesn’t merely grieve or offer sympathy for our suffering from a safe distance. He enters into it.
Jesus, the Suffering Redeemer
Jesus’ ministry began when the Holy Spirit descended on Him in the form of a dove at His baptism. But the Spirit did not first empower Jesus with authoritative teaching or miraculous spectacle; instead, the Spirit led Jesus into intercessory suffering.
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days He was tempted by the devil.4
Jesus, anointed by the Spirit, squared off against humanity’s deceiver and prevailed.
Satan’s three temptations — turning stones into bread, enlisting angels to rescue Him, and worshiping Satan in exchange for regaining dominion over this fallen world — were all about shortcuts. Taste bread without tilling the soil, planting a seed, and waiting. Win instant popularity through spectacle. Get Your creation back without suffering. Become a King without ever becoming a servant. Wear a crown without ever carrying a cross. Why didn’t Jesus take the shortcut? Because
a victorious but unsuffering God is not good news.
Human beings are meaning-seeking creatures. We weave narratives that integrate the events of our lives into a coherent whole, a plot. And suffering is the greatest disturbance to our self-storytelling. Psychologist David Benner writes, “Ultimately, we need a meaning strong enough to make suffering sufferable. This is the crucial test of any life meaning... [It] has to help us cope with suffering.”5
The most scandalous part of Jesus to ancient ears was that He, the Lord, would suffer.
God on a throne? Sure.
A God who bleeds? A God who weeps? A God who grieves? Unthinkable.
I understand why it’s such a shock that God would suffer, but I also think that a God who doesn’t suffer probably isn’t a God worth trusting. Without the courage to crawl down into this world and feel the darkness with the same helplessness as the rest of us, how could God be trusted? How could he be relatable? Without suffering, how could God tell a story deep enough to hold our own suffering?
Jesus, and only Jesus, makes suffering sufferable. Through His own suffering He looks both you and me in the eye in the midst of our suffering. He’s winning a decisive victory, and He’s doing it by bearing the cost of the curse, by enduring the real-life experience of a sin-infected creation.
Jesus’ suffering culminated at the cross. He was crucified outside the city gate, the ancient equivalent to skid row, an unpoliced urban ghetto. The uncivilized, the criminal, the sick, and the weak were cast out of the city beyond the gate. Cast off as something less than human, animals in the wild to fend for themselves.
The Word made flesh, God in human form, carried His cross beyond that gate, executed as a common criminal.
Ultimately, it wasn’t Jesus’ life that died beyond the city gate; it was our sin. It was suffering’s grip on the world that was put in a tomb, never to rise.
- Romans 5:3–5.
- Romans 8:14–17; 2 Corinthians 4:10; Philippians 3:8–11.
- Genesis 6:5–6.
- Luke 4:1–2.
- David Benner, Soulful Spirituality: Becoming Fully Alive and Deeply Human (Brazos Press, 2011), 75–76.
Excerpted with permission from The Familiar Stranger by Tyler Staton, copyright Tyler Staton.
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Your Turn
Are you suffering today? Does it cause you to question God, to want to scream at the injustice, to want to throw something? Know that our God, our good and kind God, entered our suffering to save us but also to relate to us. In Him, suffering’s hold on us, sin’s grasp has been conquered. ~ Devotionals Daily