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Teaching Kids God's Never-Ending, All-Consuming Love

Teaching Kids God's Never-Ending, All-Consuming Love

“I hate you!”

My almost-8-year-old daughter’s refrain rings from the hallway as she stomps to her bedroom.

I call after her, “I love you now and I’ll always love you.”

That’s my refrain.

Getting our kids to understand the enormity of God’s never-ending, all-consuming love can be a challenge, especially when we can’t quite grasp it ourselves. As parents, we need to be reminded daily of the promises of God’s incomprehensible love in His Word so we can then soak our kids in the promises that we love them no matter what, and that God loves them even more than we do. The Jesus Calling devotionals for your little ones are a wonderful way to remind them daily of His continuous refrain “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

In Jesus Calling for Little Ones and Jesus Calling for Kids, you’ll find the daily devotions from Jesus Calling that you may already hold dear, but in an easy to understand format for your toddlers and your big kids.

I just picked up my daughter’s copy of Jesus Calling for Kids, and it fell open to this page:

January 14 —No Need to Pretend

People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7 (ICB)

Everyone wants to look good. You want to wear the right clothes, fix your hair just so, and say just the right things. It’s easy to clean up your outside, and make your friends think you have it all together on the inside. You can fool a lot of people that way. But not Me. I see straight through you. I understand who you really are, and I love you…

The beautiful thing about the Jesus Calling series is that all of the books are about God’s never-ending, all-consuming love for us.

I flip to another page.

March 15 — Hear My Song

The Lord your God is with you… He will rejoice over you with singing. – Zephaniah 3:17

Do you hear that? I am singing you a song. It is a love song. You give me so much joy that I just have to sing!…

My point is that your kids can’t understand the length, width, and breadth of the love of God now, and they will never fully comprehend it.

But it can be your refrain to them over and over and over again using the Jesus Calling devotionals. Because they hear it so often from Him, they will believe it, just as they believe it from you.

Within our own minds, we may never understand God’s never-ending, all-consuming love, but if you wash your kids in it daily, they will grow up resting in its promise.

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Your Turn

How do you paint the picture of God’s never-ending, all-consuming love for your children to understand and embrace? We would love to hear your comments on our blog!