“Finding your own beautiful has a lot to do with deciding what kind of person you want to become.” – Chelsea Crockett
It’s official. I’m the mom of a teenager.
Technically I’ve been one for a year now, but this past September it became real when my daughter started high school. I immediately saw a change in her. Not only did she become intentional about her academics, sports practices, and social events, but the way she looked too.
Right before my very eyes, my daughter became a woman. It was very exciting, but a bit scary too. The transition has been somewhat smooth, but I sometimes question whether or not I’ve equipped her for what lies ahead. I am tempted to “bubble wrap” her and not let her out of my sight. You too?
As I talk with other moms, I find myself saying. “I didn’t do that when I was her age.” And “It wasn’t like that when I was in high school.”
To navigate today’s culture and make good choices my daughter will have to decide what she believes about God and His Word and determine who she wants to be. Once she does this, it will easier for her to make choices, based on her values rather than her emotions.
I am so grateful for role models such as Chelsea Crockett who share what’s it like, as a teen, to do life with Jesus.
In her debut book, Your Own Beautiful, the beauty guru known for her hit YouTube channels, talks beauty tips and inspirational advice on boys, friendship, and family featured on BeautyLiciousInsider and BeautyLiciousKisses. What I love about this book is that it combines all the issues that matter to my teen. It’s a life, faith, and beauty guide that also addresses self-confidence, friendship, and following your dreams from a Biblical perspective.
After reading this book your teen will be encouraged that they are more beautiful and valuable than you can possibly know. God made them exactly the way they are for a reason. He loves them deeply, accepts them fully, and has a purpose for their life.
This is exactly the kind of truth that will help my daughter (and me) navigate the next few years of life of high school and beyond.
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Your Turn
Do you have a teen daughter? How have you helped her see what true beauty means from a Biblical perspective? We’d love to hear from you!