This life you didn’t necessarily plan for is becoming quite beautiful on you.
In the Light of the Unexpected
It might be that day of the week, or that particular season, or that darkest hour when you’ve come to the end of your rope; when your dreams seem impossibly far away, when nothing seems to fit in its proper place, when the bedcovers look like an inviting place to stay forever.
“This is not what I expected,” you might say on this day of the week, in this particular season, of your darkest hour.
That’s okay. That’s okay. It doesn’t mean it can’t work out, or be okay, or become something better than you expected in time. Just because it’s not what you expected doesn’t mean it’s turning out all wrong. Each time you open your arms, pick your battles, breathe through the meltdowns, work through the upheavals, spot the silver linings, carry the weight that’s too big to be carried, it becomes you. It becomes you. This life you didn’t necessarily plan for is becoming quite beautiful on you. In these diversions from the path you imagined, expected, or hoped for, there are opportunities to see the silver linings of your soul you didn’t even know you had. But now you do. Now you do. Shine on, dear one. You radiate strength in the light of the unexpected.
Today’s Reminder
Uncertainty and change can be difficult and stressful. I often put pressure on myself to have every situation resolved quickly and every blank filled in completely, but I’m finding there is divine peace in acknowledging I don’t have to have it all figured out. By surrendering, my worry eases, and the empty spaces are filled in better ways than I could have imagined. Today I will surrender my empty spaces, and I’ll offer the same peace to my loved ones. I trust things will work out in time; I can let go of the problem for now, knowing I am held in God’s loving hands.
Excerpted with permission from Only Love Today by Rachel Macy Stafford, copyright Rachel Macy Stafford.
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Your Turn
Are you stressing out over unexpected changes today? Or this season? Or in this life? Shine on! God’s got you! Come share with us on our blog. We would love to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily