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Knowing Jesus as the Healer Who Can Do Miracles Through You

Knowing Jesus as the Healer Who Can Do Miracles Through You

When we read about Jesus in the Bible, He can seem so different from the Jesus we experience today. What have we yet to discover about Jesus that His early followers knew? They recognized Him as Healer.

  • In Jesus’ time, even those who rejected Him as the Messiah accepted the fact that He performed miracles.

Many of today’s believers are exactly the opposite. We accept Him as our Savior but reject Him as our miraculous Healer. It is time to rediscover Him as both.

Jesus used miracles amid a wicked and corrupt generation to make them take a look. That’s why wherever Jesus went, huge crowds followed. They wanted to experience a miracle that would make a difference in their lives. Miracles don’t just draw in people far from God; they encourage those who love God and are devoted to Him.

Miracles encourage our faith and remind us that God hears us when we pray.

To know the miraculous Jesus, start with a simple but powerful prayer: ask Jesus to show you who He is and what He wants to do. Take a moment now to pray, “Jesus, show me who You are!”

Once you know all of Jesus (as both Savior and Healer), He can use you to bring healing to those in the world who are hurting and suffering. As believers, we must not run from these people but to them; not because you or I can do anything, but because we pray to Jesus, God’s one and only Son, who can do all things. Jesus is miraculous! He can and does still heal, and our prayers can be His conduit.

As Christians, we are not just called to share Jesus’ message but to share His healing in our communities. We might not feel like we are supposed to offer healing, but the earliest Christians would disagree. The Bible is full of stories of when God used people beyond their abilities. When Jesus sent the disciples out, He sent them to proclaim the gospel and to heal (Matthew 10:1). I encourage you to reread the Gospels and look at all the healing that takes place. Healing helps the hurting with believing. It helps people trust God so they can be healed from the inside out. 

  • Miraculous healing is what God does!

This is what Jesus wants His disciples to do! Jesus is calling you and me to love the people in this world with His love that saves and heals. Why have we, as Christians, become so hard-hearted when it comes to dynamic miracles like these? 

Jesus can still do the same miracles because He is the same Jesus. We need to do everything in our power to bring people before His power. The healing power of Jesus is needed now more than ever. For too long, Christians have settled for personal power, political power, and many other forms of power that are destructive to themselves and the world. The only power worth seeking is the healing power of Jesus.

Are you ready to be used by Jesus for something miraculous? If so, you need to do a couple of things. First, confess your sins. Confess your lack of faith in miraculous healing. Many believers have this struggle; therefore, there is no shame in confessing this sin. We are all of “little faith” (Matthew 8:26 NIV).

The second thing you must do to be used by Jesus for miracles is pray; there is no other way.

Prayer works, and it leads to miracles. Many Christians talk about prayer, but so few actually pray. What I mean by that is for you to pray actual prayers. Rather than pray, people often say that they are sending their thoughts and prayers. 

Stop worrying, stop sending thoughts, and start sending your prayers to God. How many miracles might you see if you started praying out loud, wherever you are, whenever you need a miracle?

Many people who believe in Jesus never share the healing power of Jesus. We need to change that. Every day, there is an opportunity for a miracle. As you go through life, look for those who might need prayer. People all around you need miracles. They need a miracle to pay rent; a miracle for their loved one battling addiction; a miracle to stay married; they might even need a miracle to stay alive.

When Jesus looks at the earth, He does not see a world that needs to be judged. The world is already under judgment; that’s why it’s so broken. Jesus sees broken people who need healing. Jesus said,

What is impossible with man is possible with God.Luke 18:27 NIV

A miracle may look impossible to you, but it is not impossible to God.

You and I are not miracle workers, but we love and follow the One who is.

Adapted with permission from Every Day a Miracle by Matthew Stephen Brown, copyright Matthew Stephen Brown. 

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Your Turn

Do you know Jesus as your Savior? Do you know Him as your Healer? Let’s pray for miracles! Jesus is still in the healing business, so that should inspire us to ask Him for things that feel impossible! It may be impossible for us, but it’s not impossible for Him. Ask! ~ Devotionals Daily