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Palm Sunday: The Loving Act

Palm Sunday: The Loving Act

As the time drew near for Him to ascend to Heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem… But the people of the village did not welcome Jesus because He was on His way to Jerusalem. — Luke 9:51, Luke 9:53 NLT

Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week, the day we celebrate Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem amid the crowd’s fanfare. We focus on waving palm branches and cheers that quickly turned to derision. But there’s another angle to this story — one that deserves a closer look.

Scripture tells us that Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Some Bible versions say He “was determined to go.” Without doubt, Jesus had made up His mind to travel there, and no one could convince Him otherwise. Here’s the nugget: He did so knowing that His triumphal entry marked the beginning of the end of His time on earth. He knew He’d die there, yet He went.

If I knew that visiting a particular city meant death for me, I’d change my plans. Wouldn’t you? But Jesus would never have considered such a cop-out. He delivered Himself to His executioners, and He did so by choice.

No one can take my life from me, He said. I sacrifice it voluntarily. — John 10:18, NLT

Why would Jesus do such a thing? Because love compelled Him. He said,

The greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends. — John 15:13 NLT

Christ’s love for us led Him to Jerusalem and then Golgotha. God ordained the events that took place for His glory and our good, and Jesus willingly played the leading role despite the cost.

~Grace Fox

Faith Step: Think of a loving act you can do for someone. Don’t do something super easy. Stretch yourself and do something that requires a sacrifice.

Excerpted with permission from Mornings with Jesus, copyright Guideposts.

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Your Turn

Jesus resolutely made the decision to do the most loving act in all of history. Today, we celebrate His entry into Jerusalem. We can do that by loving others. Call someone and tell them you love them. Send a meal. Mail a card. Do something that says “You are loved!” Come share your thoughts with us on our blog. We want to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily