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Peace & Rest

Peace & Rest

Editor’s note: Be of Good Cheer Cheer is a brand-new Christmas devotional book that you and your family with love to read throughout the Advent season. Enjoy this excerpt and pick up your copy today.


Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.Luke 2:14

Seekers go to extreme lengths to find peace but often look for it in the wrong places.

Those extra letters after your name, a well- designed home, an extra- long list of addresses to mail your Christmas cards to, and some cushion at the bank are all blessings to enjoy, but none of these things will bring peace.

To have peace means to be in harmony with God. 

Peace is a perfect communion with Love itself, and it is available to each and every one of us. To be a person of peace doesn’t mean your life will be without trial or conflict. But if you know Jesus, you’ll find it’s possible to have peace in the middle of a conflict because you know God loves you and will take care of you regardless of your circumstances.

Peace isn’t an emotion you can manufacture on your own. It’s actually a gift given to us by our Savior. Jesus told His followers,

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. — John 14:27

You see, God generously invites you to be filled with His peace this Christmas season and every day of the year. He is a good and loving Father, and He delights to deliver.

Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace, and I pray You will fill me with Your peace this holiday season. Teach me to trust in Your love and goodness. Help me have faith that You will do as You have promised.

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There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from His.Hebrews 4:9–10

Rushing back and forth to the grocery store to grab forgotten ingredients, wrangling the little ones for the perfect Christmas photo, standing in long lines to secure the best presents — there’s nothing bad here! But if you’re not careful with your expectations of what you can get done day by day, you may find yourself running ragged by Christmas Day. 

Deep down, you know this isn’t the most enjoyable way to celebrate the Christmas season. God designed your body in such a way that it needs rest — and God encourages embracing a rhythm of intentional rest, so much so that He even included rest in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8). 

The holiday season is meant to be savored, yet so many of us never let the spirit of Christmas settle into our hearts.

  • Rather than running yourself ragged, why not budget some time to rest your body and refill your spirit?

That might mean spending an afternoon curled up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies. It might include going for a drive and looking at decorations with your loved ones. Or maybe it’s something as simple as taking some uninterrupted time to relax and listen to your favorite holiday music. There’s no right or wrong way to embrace a spirit of rest; do whatever rests your body and refills your soul. But you’ll need to be intentional, or it probably won’t happen. Prayerfully consider what matters most this season and invite the word no into your life this year. Rest is a good gift from the Lord, and we are at our best when we embrace it.

Lord, thank You for encouraging me to rest. Give me the wisdom to know when it’s time to rest my body and refill my spirit.

Excerpted with permission from Be of Good Cheer by Susan Hill, copyright Zondervan.

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Your Turn

It doesn’t have to be the Christmas season to enter into the peace and rest of Jesus Christ. You and I can trust in His goodness and mercy every day of the year! ~ Devotionals Daily