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Prayers for Teachers, Students and Schools: FREE Downloads

Prayers for Teachers, Students and Schools: FREE Downloads

In this article, you will learn:

3 ways to to pray for teachers, students, and schools consistently, including how to have a prayer walk in your child’s school and pray for our teachers’ classrooms. Plus, don’t miss the FREE downloads of how to use Scripture and God’s Word to prayer for the school year. Print these, tuck them in your Bible, and use them all year long!

I’ve been a student, a teacher, and now a parent of a student, and through it all I’ve learned that everyone involved in the education of school-age children could use our prayers. Whether you are a public school, private school, or homeschool family, a great way to start the school year is to pray for teachers, students, and schools. Our classrooms need our prayers!

If you need a little inspiration for how to pray for teachers, students, and schools, here are three of my favorite ways to do it:

Jericho-style prayer walk around the school

No marching needed, but head out to the school grounds and pray while walking around the school! Go with a list of seven different areas to pray for and and pray for one each time you walk around, or go without a plan and let God lead your prayers. And if you homeschool, you can do this around the perimeter of your home. For inspiration, watch this video of pastor Mark Batterson talk about his prayer walk around Washington D.C., from his video bible study, The Circle Maker.

prayers for students teachers schools

Pray through the school

My last year of teaching, I had the privilege of walking through the elementary school where I worked along with some parents from the community during the week before school started and pray over each classroom. We received permission from the administration to do this after work hours and it was amazing. We prayed for each teacher by name and prayed over common areas such as the lunch room, gym, and playground as well. This can be done throughout the home for homeschoolers. And ask someone to pray for YOU as the teacher in that case, too!

Pray for teachers and students with Scriptures – 5 Bibles verses

There are so many areas where this could be applied, but here are five examples of scriptures for teachers:

The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good.Romans 13:4

The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master.Matthew 10:24

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.2 Timothy 3:16

Command and teach these things.1 Timothy 4:11

In everything set them an example by doing what is good.In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.Titus 2:7

Pick out specific scriptures when praying for students, teachers, aides, staff, and administration. Keep them on notecards in the car with you to pray while you wait in line to pick up your kids after school.

Pray for Teachers/ Pray for Students – Sample Prayer # 1

Lord, I pray the students in this school would show proper respect for the authorities you have placed over them and recognize all authority comes from you. Help them to speak and act in a way that is respectful of all teachers, administrators, and other school staff.

(Inspired by Romans 13:1-5)

Pray for Teachers/ Pray for Students – Sample Prayer # 2

Almighty God, You have given my kids all the talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts they need to follow Your plan for their lives. Lord, help them use those gifts to serve You first and others second, so that Your will is accomplished in their lives. Lord, fill their lives with trusted teachers and advisers who can lead them toward You and Your promises. Help them turn to you as they learn and grow so they can lead fruitful and prosperous lives. Amen.

by Erin MacPherson, excerpted with permission from The Christian Mama’s Guide to the Grade School Years

Pray for Teachers/ Pray for Students – Sample Prayer # 3

Almighty God, because we love our children, because our hearts yearn for their schools, we cannot remain silent. We will not stop praying until their righteousness shines like the dawn, and their salvation blazes like a burning torch. May they be called the Holy People and the People Redeemed by the Lord. And may their schools be known as the Desirable Place and the City No Longer Forsaken (Isaiah 62:1, 12). In Jesus’ name, amen.

by Fern Nichols, excerpted with permission from Moms in Prayer: Standing in the Gap for Your Children

Get even more prayers in the FREE download

10 Powerful Prayers for Your Child’s School Year + Prayers for Teachers

Praying for Teachers Schools Students

How should parents pray for their child’s school year? How can we engage in spiritual warfare on their behalf and pray for all the social and academic challenges they will face?

These prayers are based on Scriptures and will teach you to pray with confidence for your child’s protection, spiritual growth, and intellectual development in the new school year.

Get the FREE printable school-year prayers…

4 Steps to Becoming a Prayer Warrior Parent

  1. Set aside a time each day to pray for your child.
  2. Prepare a place for prayer – a quiet spot (chair, closet, front porch swing) where you can talk with God.
  3. Pick out specific Scriptures that inspire you to pray.
  4. Start a prayer journal for writing out your prayer requests and God’s answers, and custom prayers.

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Your Turn

In what ways do you pray over your kids and their teachers at the start of the school year and throughout the year? Leave a comment on our blog. We’d love to hear from you!

Gift a Teacher with Pocket Prayers for Teachers!

All the way from coloring inside the lines to calculus, teachers have given us the tools to thrive. Where would we be without them? But a teacher’s job is often a difficult one. Sometimes anxiety and exhaustion become the norm. For those in need of a little peace and renewal, Max Lucado points to the Teacher who offered just that. Pocket Prayers for Teachers contains forty scriptures and guided prayers written especially for those special people, who encourage and inspire our students.