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Prayer for Relationships

Prayer for Relationships

A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends. — Proverbs 16:28 NLT

Great God, you are so good to me. Healthy friendships are a gift from You, but the Enemy wants to separate those friendships with strife.

I ask that You sow peace in my relationships. When gossip tries to divide us, give me discernment to see the Enemy’s trick and to stop it with a gentle response. I want always to speak of my friends as the treasures they are and never tear them down.

Help my friends recognize the severity of gossip in their lives. I ask that You protect our friendships from unkind words, rumors, and malicious talk. Let the words of our mouths glorify and honor You.

Thank You for the kind words my friends say to me. They build me up with their compassion and encouragement, which I know is a gift from You.

In Christ’s name, amen.


A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel. — Proverbs 15:18 NIV

Dear heavenly Father, Jesus is the ultimate example of peace in the face of persecution. He didn’t defend Himself or grow angry when tormented on the cross. Rather, He asked forgiveness for His persecutors.

Help me to do the same. Instead of being angry, I want to follow the example of Jesus and pray for those who injure me.

  • I want to be like Jesus and be slow to anger, especially with my friends and those I love the most.

Some of my friends struggle with their tempers. Help them hold their tongues when they’re tempted to give a hurtful response. Help them remember Jesus’ example.

Thank You for giving us the ability to choose peace over anger. Thank you that we don’t have to give in to our natural desires.

I’m so grateful my friends understand me and love me even when I’m not at my best.

In the name of Your precious Son, amen.


“Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.Ephesians 4:25–27

Father God, I praise You because You are honest. You cannot lie, and You despise lying tongues.

I want to follow Your example in this. I want to speak the truth always and in love. Help me resist the urge to lie when I’m caught doing something I shouldn’t do. And I don’t want to be guilty of lies of omission or lies to protect feelings.

When my friends are tempted to lie, give them the courage to be honest. Please guard our friendships, and let them always be built on truth, because we love one another and understand that lying never helps the situation.

Thank You for being an example of truth.

I am so grateful I have friends who aren’t afraid to tell me the truth.

In Your Son’s name, amen.

Excerpted with permission from Start with Prayer by Max Lucado, copyright Max Lucado.

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Your Turn

Let’s pray for our relationships today that in every way they would glorify God and encourage everyone involved. Let’s rely on the Holy Spirit to remain in control of our mouths and hot tempers. Let’s be fully honest and ask for God’s grace in how we relate with those we love! ~ Devotionals Daily