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Prayers for When You Need Justice

Prayers for When You Need Justice

Lord, You know the pain I’ve endured at the hands of others.
I give myself to You, the Healer.
I also submit to Your command to love everyone around me,
including my enemies.
May I not repay evil for evil.
May my heart not wish harm
for those who have hurt me.
Instead, I pray for Your blessing on them.
Make me generous in grace and compassion,
and strong enough to live at peace with everyone. I praise You because justice is in Your nature, and I trust You to carry out justice as You see fit, when You see fit.

You are God, and I am not.
You are on the throne, and You say,

It is Mine to avenge; I will repay. — Romans 12:19 NIV

I give You honor, God,
and leave room for You to do
what Your wisdom says is just and right.

~C. M.

God, You’ve shown us what is good:
to act justly and to do what is fair to others. You’ve sent Your Son to provide peace
and the bond of true fellowship.
Open our eyes to the needs of others —
of all the different types of people in this world. Lead us out of our comfort zones
so we can bless and build bonds
with people who are different from us.
Lead us in respectful service toward one another, treating each other as brothers and sisters.
May we be instruments in Your hands
as You bring Your kingdom of justice and peace. May we spread Your goodness
and bring many to join us
in living close to You in Your glory and love.

~C. M.

O God, the King of righteousness,
lead us in the ways of justice and peace,
inspire us to break down all tyranny and oppression, to gain for every person what is due to them.
May each live for all and all care for each.

~William Temple (1881–1944), adapted

Grant, O God, Your protection;
and in Your protection, strength;
and in strength, understanding;
and in understanding, knowledge;
and in knowledge, the knowledge of justice; and in the knowledge of justice, the love of it; and in the love, the love of existence; and in the love of all existence, the love of God and all goodness.

~Ancient Welsh prayer

God of love,
You see all the suffering, injustice, and misery in this world.
Have pity on what You have created. In Your mercy look upon the poor, the oppressed, the destitute,
and all who are heavy-laden.
Fill our hearts with deep compassion for those who suffer,
and hasten the coming of
Your kingdom of justice and truth.

~Eugène Bersier (1831–1889)

Excerpted with permission from A Prayer for Every Occasion by Carrie Mars, copyright Zondervan.

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Your Turn

If you’ve suffered injustice at the hands of others, these prayers are for you to give to God. If you’re watching this hurting world and aching for the pain you see, these are prayers for you to cry out. Thy Kingdom come! ~ Devotionals Daily