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Recognizing God

Recognizing God

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.2 Peter 1:2

The Hebrew word for gratitude means to “recognize the good.” I love that, because who is good all the time? God is.

Every time we’re reading the word gratitude in the Bible, we are literally being reminded to recognize God and His goodness. But we cannot learn to recognize God if we do not have an intimate relationship with Him.

When we choose to know God, our relationship with Him grows, and our eyes become opened to who He is and what He’s doing in our lives.

By making the time to read His Word and to pray, we start to become transformed and have our minds renewed. The blindfold we once wore falls off, and we learn to recognize God and His goodness in both good and bad circumstances.

My hope for you today is that you take the first step toward getting to know God more intimately. May you experience His calming presence and unfailing love as you spend time reading His Word.


What Is Blinding You?

If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself.2 Timothy 2:13

I have called myself a Christian most of my life but have struggled with feeling thankful during difficult seasons. I have felt lost in the exhausting chaos of motherhood, the helplessness of watching loved ones struggling, and the overwhelming feeling of walking through everything alone.

In those times, my focus was usually on how bad I felt and how unfair things seemed. I would ask myself why I should even keep trying. What was the point? Where was God, and why did He hate me?

Looking back now, I can see God’s hand in so many things. He has never left me. I was blinded by my anger, hurt, and selfishness and pushed myself further and further away from my relationship with Him.

  • But even in my darkest days, God heard my cries for help and pulled me back to Him.

That is what God does. That is who God is. I am so thankful for His grace!

I encourage you today to think about what may be blinding you from seeing God’s goodness in your life. Name it. Confess it. Give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing faithfulness and grace!


Give Thanks in All Circumstances

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. — 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18

We’ve all thought it. How can we possibly be expected to say “thank you” for the loss, grief, fear, and pain we experience in life?

When my oldest son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I struggled with seeing any good in the situation. No mama likes seeing her baby in the hospital, hooked up to an IV, giving himself shots, and relearning how to live. 

When my son was released from the hospital, though, I was overflowing with gratitude. We had gotten help in time. He was doing well, and his doctors and nurses were wonderful.

Thank God!

Are things always perfect? No. But my son is still here with us, and for that, I will forever say, “Thank You, Lord!”

Today’s verse doesn’t tell us to give thanks for all circumstances but in all circumstances. We’re not told to thank God for our hurt but to thank Him for His faithfulness through it.

If you’re struggling with thankfulness amid a difficult season, I encourage you to simply thank God for being with you. Ask Him to show you His goodness in your situation, and let Him speak to your heart.

Excerpted with permission from I Will Give Thanks by Becky Shannon, copyright Becky Shannon.

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Your Turn

It’s challenging to be grateful in the middle of really challenging situations or in pain and suffering. But, while we don’t have to be thankful for what’s hurtful to us, we do get to be grateful in our circumstances because God is with us and He is always good. His plans are good. The end of the story is good! ~ Devotionals Daily