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Revelation: Tempted to Give Up on God?

Revelation: Tempted to Give Up on God?

Opening Group Activity (10–15 MINUTES)

What you’ll need:

  • Sheet of blank paper for each person
  • Pens, markers, and/or watercolors
  1. Each participant is invited to use the paper and drawing/writing tools to create either a picture of what’s described in Revelation 1:12-16 or a list (words or images) of symbols included in the description.
  2. Discuss the following questions:
  • When you think of the book of Revelation, what comes to mind
  • Describe your first exposure to the book of Revelation and whether that was a positive, negative, or neutral experience.
  • What element of your drawing stood out to you the most? Why?

Session One video [24 MINUTES)

Notes: As you watch, take notes on anything that stands out to you.

What if, through the book of Revelation, God is saving the best for last?

John was in a dark place. His fledgling churches were struggling. Fellow disciples had died brutal, barbaric deaths. He was surrounded by uncertainty about his own future and the future of the faithful.

Apocalypse means “unveiling” or “uncovering.”

In our personal setbacks and suffering, there’s always a temptation to retreat, to pull back from God, at the precise moment we need him most.

The seven golden lampstands represent the seven churches. Gold represents the purifying work Christ does in and through the church. The lampstands remind us we are called to stand and shine bright like a city on a hill.

As a soldier’s uniform tells you something about that person’s role, these garments reveal Christ as priest.

The white wool and white snow declares there’s nothing that Christ cannot forgive.

Feet of glowing bronze reveal that Jesus is flawless.

Jesus illuminates the cosmos, and he illuminates our lives.

Jesus is giving you a golden invitation to a fresh revelation of who he is and how he’s going to see you through.


Revelation 1

Group discussion Questions (30–45 MINUTES)

  1. What are some of the hang-ups, fears, or bad experiences with Revelation you need to let go of to get the most out of this study?
  2. What can you do to ground yourself (as an individual and as a group) in the truth that no matter what you read in Revelation, it’s all about Jesus? Write down some ground rules and ideas in the space below:
  3. Margaret teaches, Revelation is a survival guide for the suffering, a book of promises for the persecuted, a banner of hope for the beaten down.”

In what area of your life are you most beaten down and ready to give up right now? Where do you most need to experience the presence and power of Jesus?

  1. Read Revelation 1:4-8. Which of the names or titles of Jesus is the most meaningful to you? Why? Underline or write down the one you would most like to experience more of right now?
  2. Margaret teaches, John decides to turn and see — to engage with God rather than retreat — and that changes everything.”

When it comes to encountering God, when are you most likely to engage? When are you most likely to retreat?

  1. Read Revelation 1:12-16. What aspect of this description of Jesus is most meaningful to you now? Why?

Close in Prayer
Consider the following prompts as you pray together for:

  • The ability to let go of preconceived ideas about Revelation to discover the power of Christ and to know him in new ways
  • An open heart to receive the hopeful message of God without fear or hesitation
  • Opportunities this week to share the hope of Jesus with others

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Your Turn

Tell us your thoughts on Revelation: Extravagant Hope. We’d love to hear from you!
