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A Robe of Righteousness

A Robe of Righteousness


You were all clothed with Christ. — Galatians 3:27

We eat our share of forbidden fruit. We say what we shouldn’t say. Go where we shouldn’t go. Pluck fruit from trees we shouldn’t touch.

And when we do, the door opens, and the shame tumbles in. And we hide.

We sew fig leaves… We cover ourselves in good works and good deeds, but one gust of the wind of truth, and we are naked again — stark naked in our own failure.

So what does God do? Exactly what He did for our parents in the garden. He sheds innocent blood. He offers the life of His Son. And from the scene of the sacrifice the Father takes a robe — the robe of righteousness. And does He throw it in our direction and tell us to shape up? No, He dresses us Himself. He dresses us with Himself.

We hide. He seeks.

We bring sin. He brings a sacrifice. We try fig leaves. He brings the robe of righteousness.

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Your Turn

Think of a time when you brought sin and God brought a robe of righteousness. What did that robe do to your sin? We would love to hear from you! Please join the conversation on our blog! ~ Devotionals Daily