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Self-Care Is Also Soul-Care

Self-Care Is Also Soul-Care

Get a System

A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. Proverbs 25:28 NLT

Cleaning and organizing go hand in hand. It’s far easier to keep things clean when all of your items have a designated spot.

Get organized. It will take self-control to get into the habit, but living in a constant state of mess and chaos is not caring for yourself well.

Get rid of or donate extra stuff, find a home for everything you own, and do a quick tidy up every day. Even small acts of organizing will compound through the days and weeks and keep you on a system for success. Being able to find what you need when you need it will make your life easier and less stressful.

Do you consider yourself to be organized? Why or why not?

Which room or space should you start with to get your stuff under control?

Write down a plan to get your home organized and stick with it. Your future self will thank you!

Plan Ahead

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. — Ephesians 2:10

  • Plan out your days (as best you can) to make room to care for your body with healthy meals, exercise, and plenty of sleep. Set a bedtime, and turn out the lights promptly each night.

Create a meal plan each week (Taco Tuesday, anyone?), and put the trip to the grocery store on your calendar. Make plans for doctor appointments, dentist trips, and other routine care well in advance so you don’t forget. These are commitments you are making to yourself and should be prioritized and treated as important as anything else on the calendar.

What are your favorite nutritious meals to make for yourself?

How much sleep do you need each night to feel your best?

When was the last time you had a physical or a routine dental cleaning? Do you need to schedule one? If yes, make it a priority to get an appointment on your schedule.

You Are God’s Temple

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16 NKJV

The Spirit of God dwells in you. Maybe you don’t always feel as though you deserve to be treated well, but knowing that something as beautiful, wonderful, and powerful as the Holy Spirit is part of you is a compelling reason to care for your body. One of the biggest stumbling blocks to finding a rhythm of self- care is an underlying belief that you aren’t worthy of such love and tenderness from yourself. Have you found yourself looking inward and only seeing all the ways you don’t measure up?

God looks at you and sees His child, deserving of love and grace and all good things.

He chooses to dwell in you, and that is abundant evidence that you are worthy and adored just as you are. Care for His temple — your body — with that in mind.

Why do you sometimes feel unworthy of self-care?

How does focusing on God’s deep and unconditional love for you help you feel more deserving of love from yourself?

Write down some verses that remind you of your worth in God’s eyes. Reread them as often as you need to.

Excerpted with permission from The Weekly Self-Care Project, copyright Zondervan.

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Your Turn

It is NOT selfish to take care of yourself. God entrusted your whole being with you, so take it seriously! Take care of your body, your environment, your mental health, and every facet of your life so you don’t pile stress and unhealth onto yourself. You matter to God! ~ Devotionals Daily