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Editor’s note: We love a beautiful coffee table book, especially for summer! I pull out my copy of Anne Neilson’s Angels every summer and enjoy it again and again. It contains her gorgeous artwork of angels and beautiful reflections of God’s tremendous abundance, His love, and about our purpose. It also reminds me that we’re surrounded by His protective angels today and every day!




  1. a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, hail, sleet, or thunder and lightning

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. — Matthew 7:25

One early morning I began journaling in the middle of a storm. All around me the rain was pouring, the thunder was pounding, and the lightning was striking disconcertingly close to home. Between the flashes and claps, there were pauses of peace and calm.

As the rains came down, and I thought back to the way water cleansed God’s people in the desert, I meditated on my desire to live a pure, cleansed life, free from storms.

Unfortunately, storms do happen, and more often than not, they pop up suddenly and without warning. The night before this strong gale, I absorbed the most brilliant sunset, painted with God’s brushstrokes dipped in magnificent shades of pink, watching in awe as the sun sank into the horizon.

There was no evidence of a storm coming. However, in the quick turn of a moment, the storm hit. As I lay awake and journaling, I wondered how equipped I am to weather these storms. How prepared am I for the onslaught of wind and rain coming without warning? Certainly, little squalls cross our path — soaking showers that give way to rainbows and brilliant sunlight. There are also those slow, gray drizzles that seem to settle in and saturate our spirits. Still others erode our hearts with their vicious violence and ferocity. In any case, I want to be prepared and equipped. I want to fortify the banks of my heart so they will stay firmly planted and not be washed away.

God promised me, just as He promised Noah — and you — that undoubtedly, no matter the intensity of the storm, He will cause the sun to reappear. He will stop the rain and silence the thunderous claps. He will push the clouds apart and reveal His peace and assurance over my life, if only I will cling to the hope that He gives us in Jesus, and the hope He spells out for us in His Word. When I cling, He quiets.

The storms are momentary, but His love and grace for me are eternal.

Is there a storm or some sort of natural disaster that’s shaking up your life? Today I invite you to find shelter in God’s warm, sturdy embrace.

Dear God, thank You for calming the storms that assault my life. Thank You for Your promise to quiet the thunder. I ask today that as I brace for the storms ahead of me, I would look to You as my Captain and not be afraid of the lightning above me.

Excerpted with permission from Anne Nielson’s Angels, copyright Anne Neilson Fine Art LLC.

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Your Turn 

Has a storm arisen in your life shaking and rattling you to the core? Whether or not you were prepared and equipped beforehand, it’s fierce violence cannot be avoided now. Are you clinging to Jesus? He is the calm in the storm and He is in control. Don’t be afraid! ~ Devotionals Daily