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Stressing Out

Stressing Out

Editor’s note: Laura Smith’s 5-Minute Devotions for Teens was written for your kids and the kids in your life to help them with them mental and spiritual health. As Laura says in her introduction, her prayer is for teens to “feel the sweet, deep love of Jesus for you. That you’ll know He is for you, that He wants only good for you, that He’ll fight for you, and that He’ll never leave your side.” Enjoy this excerpt and share with a teenager you love.


I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. — John 16:33

Do you feel overwhelmed? Stressed out? Like you could use a hug? We all do sometimes. You might lose a game, your homework, or your phone. You might run out of time with a long list of things you still need to do. People you care about might let you down or leave. Some days you ache inside or feel super jittery.

Jesus completely understands.

He experienced all kinds of trouble while He was here on earth. God made you, loves you, and understands exactly what you’re going through. Jesus offers you peace. He knows hard stuff will come your way, but He promises to help you overcome it. That could be with something as simple as a hug or something more complex like the right prescription or therapist.

You can have peace in Jesus, because all the awful, painful, challenging things of the world — Jesus has overcome them all.

Step into His arms. Lean into Him. Breathe in His peace.

Draw a peace sign. In each of the four openings write something you’re worried about or overwhelmed by. Turn each thing over to Jesus. Ask Him to take control of whatever’s going on. Then draw a cross over each of the things and breathe in the peace and help Jesus is offering.


And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. — Ephesians 6:18

God calls you His child, His friend, His beloved.

Those are all words we use to describe a relationship we have with someone. And when we’re in a relationship, we talk to the other person. Kids and parents talk to each other. Friends chat with each other. People who love each other communicate. You talk to someone to let them know how you’re feeling, what you expect, what’s going on in your life, to share a story, to ask for help, or to get encouragement.

If you believe that Jesus is your Savior, then you’re in a relationship with God. He wants you to talk to Him. That’s all prayer is.

  • You can talk to God anytime, anywhere, about everything.

God wants you to talk to Him about the test you’re stressed about and your current mood and the new kid in your group. God wants you to thank Him, ask His opinion, and share with Him how you feel. There isn’t anything you can’t talk to God about. The Bible says you can talk to Him (pray) on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Why not start now?

Dear Jesus, thank You for wanting to talk to me, for wanting to hear from me about everything, for being a safe place I can go with all my problems and emotions. Here’s what’s on my mind today: _________.

Excerpted with permission from 5 Minute Devotions for Teens by Laura Smith, copyright Laura L. Smith.

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Your Turn 

Are you stressing out? Go to Jesus! You can tell Him anything. Nothing is too much of a mess or too small for Him. Go to Him with your questions, your upsets, your worries, your exhaustion, your praise, your thanksgiving, and your wondering. God to Him with your whole heart. He’s ready and waiting for you! ~ Devotionals Daily