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Teen Read Week 2014

Teen Read Week 2014

teen read week photo collage 2014

Teen Read Week ( — October 12-18 — is a literacy initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). Libraries across the United States will be celebrating Teen Read Week with a variety of events aimed at encouraging teens to read for pleasure. Teens have so many options for entertainment, so why not put in their hands great books from trusted writers and Christian publishers?

Many teenagers with a natural love for reading have already developed a habit of reading at this point in their lives. Although there are a lot of excellent books in the secular market for your teens, it helps to have great Christian teen fiction they can also enjoy.

Teen Read Week is a great time to get your child to explore new reading materials and challenge them to embark on a new literary journey.

My children enjoy reading, but to tell you the truth, sitting down and reading wasn’t something I did on a regular basis until I was in the hospital for seven weeks with nothing else to do! But then I discovered Christian fiction that was much like the crime shows I liked to watch and I was hooked and finished about five books during my hospital stay.

This month my children had a chance to discover a few new selections that have awakened their enjoyment of reading.

My daughter began and finished Destination Unknown in less than a day! She said it was one her favorite reads & perhaps your teen would enjoy it too, as it explores issues of identity, friendship, and discovering what matters most in life! She also highly recommends the book The Captive Maiden, a Christian, YA-twist on a popular princess fairy tale romance theme.

My son is almost done with the fantasty novel, Realm Walkers: One Realm Beyond, and he said he likes how the author took time to develop the plot, instead of just rushing through the storyline. He is not an avid reader but it was great to see him really get into this book.

I always tell my children that they know they’re reading a good book when they cannot put it down.

Here are some ideas about how we can all encourage our teens to read, not just this week during Teen Read Week but every day of their lives.

1. Be an Example. 
Let them see you reading in your favorite chair, or up reading your Bible first thing in the morning! Keep books, newspapers and magazines around the house so kids can view them as a part of your lives. It’s so important to be an example to our kids when it comes to reading!

2. Read With Them
. I firmly believe that it’s never too late to read with your child, no matter their age. Spend time this week diving into a chapter book together. You can even read the same book and come back to answer questions together. This is a great way to bond with your teen!

3. Try Many Genres. 
I know that as a teen I got stuck on a particular genre and was afraid to branch out and read anything else. I encourage my kids to read multiple types of books whenever possible. I always try and show an interest in what they are reading, and of course ask as many questions as they’ll let me.

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Additional Fiction Teen Reads from Zondervan and Thomas Nelson.


Anomaly by Krista McGee
A nuclear war forced them underground. Ten scientists have genetically engineered a new world order, void of emotion. But Thalli was born with the ability to feel emotions, and when her secret is discovered, she is quickly scheduled for annihilation. One girl is the anomaly who will destroy or save them all. But who can she trust? Read more…


Aquifer by Jonathan Friesen
In the year 2250, a ruling class controls the entire world by controlling the only source of hydration, buried deep underground—and they also control the flow of knowledge. While the Wise Ones can monitor the Topper world above and the “Water Rat” mines below, there’s one boy they can’t watch, and he has the passion and knowledge to find a crucial prophecy and potentially change the world. Read more…

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Crescent by Homer Hickam
When a murderous band of assassins attack, Crescent, Crater, and Maria escape into the “big suck” and trek with a caravan of mining pioneers toward a lunar ghost town called Endless Dust. To survive they must do more than navigate the beautiful, desolate moonscape and battle a persistent band of crowhoppers. They must decide what—and who—is truly worth fighting for. Read more…

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dark halo
Dark Halo by Shannon Dittemore
One halo brought sight to Brielle. Another offers sweet relief from what she sees. The stunning conclusion to the Angel Eyes Trilogy. Read more…


Domination by Jon S. Lewis
Experience a cosmic battle filled with high-tech gear, gateways to other planets, and ultimate stakes. Not everyone will survive. But heroes will rise up and step into their destiny in this earth-shaking conclusion to the C.H.A.O.S trilogy. Read more…


Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon
In the first book of the new Doon Novel series, Veronica and her best friend, Mackenna, travel to Scotland for the summer in hopes of finding some peace. But the Scottish countryside holds a host of secrets – including a passageway to a mysterious land that appears to be a living fairy tale. In the land of Doon, the girls could have everything they’ve ever longed for … or end up breaking an enchantment and find themselves trapped in a world that could soon become a nightmare. Read more…

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the fairest beauty

The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson
In this young adult fairy tale retelling by Melanie Dickerson, a woman arrives in Hagenheim claiming the young woman betrothed to the duke’s son, Valten, is still alive. With Valten injured, his younger brother, Gabe, defies his family to find Sophie himself. When Gabe arrives at the castle, Sophie must make a choice: go to the Cottage of the Seven and fend for herself, or trust the handsome stranger who seems ready to do anything to keep her safe. Read more…

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if we survive

If We Survive by Andrew Klavan
High schooler Will Peterson and three friends journeyed to Central America to help rebuild a school. But in one sudden moment, everything went horribly wrong. Now, guns and terror are everywhere—and Americans are being targeted as the first to die. Their one hope of escape lies with a veteran warrior who has lost his faith and may betray them at any moment. Their one dream is to reach freedom and safety and home. If they can just survive. Read more…

merlin's shadow

Merlin’s Shadow by Robert Treskillard
In book two of the Merlin Spiral series by author Robert Treskillard, pursued and hunted, Merlin takes young Arthur north to find refuge from the soldiers misled into thinking the young king was kidnapped. Betrayed and enslaved, Merlin must fight for his freedom and sail to the lands of eternal darkness to save Arthur’s life. Can he cleanse the world from this ancient and sinister evil? Read more…

running lean

Running Lean by Diana Sharples

In this YA debut from author Diana Sharples, love, self-esteem, and trust meld in a compelling story. Still reeling from the loss of his brother in Afghanistan, Calvin Greenlee pours himself into fixing his motorcycle and spending the rest of his time with his girlfriend, Stacy, who always has the right words to say. But when Stacy starts losing weight – a lot of weight – it’s clear she has problems of her own. Calvin is determined to cure her—but could that only push Stacy further into danger? Read more…

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Your Turn

What new books will you introduce to your teen this week? What are your favorite teen books? Share your recommendations on our blog!