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The Backbone of Biblical Prophecy

The Backbone of Biblical Prophecy

Editor’s note: Yesterday, we introduced Max Lucado’s new book What Happens Next which encourages us to know what God’s Word promises us about End Times so that we’re prepared, not scared! We invite you to read part 1 here and then enjoy part 2 below.


Is your head spinning?

Let’s pause and get our bearings. Here is the chronology:

The Backbone of Biblical Prophecy

Do you see where we are on this time line? We live in “the church age” or “the age of grace,” which is the parenthetical period that sits between the Messiah and the tribulation.

You might be wondering, Why the gap? Why would God create this separate phase for the church age?

Here’s the answer: it’s a musterion. That’s the Greek word Paul used to describe this parenthetical period. A mystery. A secret God kept hidden in His heart.

  • Between the death of Christ and the final seven years of human history as we know it, God added a new age.

In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. — Ephesians 3:4–6

God inserted the church into history. The church age features a new society formed by Jew and Gentile, male, female, slave, free. You, other believers, and I find ourselves somewhere in this parenthetic era. To be clear, the final seven years are still to come. But they will be poisoned by history’s most evil despot.

The prophecy in Daniel 9 is so vital. It speaks of God’s timeline for history. It includes a precise prophecy about the Messiah and an early reference to the Antichrist and the remaining seven years on God’s prophetic calendar. Before we move forward on that timeline, let’s catch our breath and make three observations.

You Can Trust Bible Prophecy

I read about a psychic shop that went out of business. The sign on the door read: “Closed due to unforeseen circumstances.”

God has no unforeseen circumstances.

He told Daniel the Messiah would come after 483 years. Jesus did. God told Daniel the Anointed One would be killed. He was. God told Daniel the city of Jerusalem would be devastated. It was. These and dozens of other prophecies compel us to take God at His word.

The same pages that foretell prophecies down to the exact date are the pages that describe God’s love and devotion for you. You can trust God’s word.

You Can Be Prepared

Hard times are coming. The Antichrist, the tribulation, the abomination that causes desolation — these are foreboding events. But if you are in Christ, you won’t have to experience them. God will come for His church before the dark days begin. That event is commonly called the rapture. Jesus, with the power of a king and the kindness of a savior, will extract His children prior to the seven years of evil. (We will dedicate chapter 7 to unpacking this exciting event in greater detail.)

Will you be like those who missed the time stamp of Jesus in His day and refused to recognize Him as Messiah? Or will you be ready for the rescue?

You Can Have Security About the Ultimate Victory

Some years ago, I attended a San Antonio Spurs basketball game. It was the final game of the regular season, and it was unique because it did not matter. The Spurs had already won their division. They had already clinched the top seed in the playoffs. The game had no bearing on their standings. Whether they won or lost did not matter. Since they had already won the division, they could not lose, even if they lost.

The game was of little or no interest to the sports world. But it intrigued this preacher. I saw a sermon illustration waiting to happen. Christians occupy the same spot that the Spurs did. According to the Bible, we’ve already won. According to prophecy, victory is secure.

  • According to the message of grace and the death of Christ on the cross, no one can snatch us from our Father’s hand.

Yet, we still have a few contests before the final conquest. So how do we behave in the meantime? The Spurs were a good example. I’ve never seen a team enjoy a game more than they did that night. They were relaxed, confident, and happy. Because they were, they won the game.

That’s our strategy. Let’s keep our eyes on the little plane inside the big plane. In these last days show up, play hard, and be happy. After all, the victory is secure.

Excerpted with permission from What Happens Next by Max Lucado, copyright Max Lucado. 

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Your Turn

We already have the victory in Jesus Christ! There is no need to fear, no need to stress. We can literally enjoy every day on Planet Earth and trust Jesus for the End Times! ~ Devotionals Daily