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Whose Dream Will You Follow?

Whose Dream Will You Follow?

Editor’s note: It’s graduation season! People you know and love are launching into new seasons of life full of promise, hope, pressures, and dreams. Show them some love and share this devotion from Let the Journey Begin today!


Let’s be honest — there’s a lot in life that doesn’t make sense.

School. Friends. The news. Politics. Wall Street. Even God’s track record in the Bible doesn’t make a lot of sense:

- Transporting a million or so people across the desert for forty years to a mysterious promised land (Exodus–Deuteronomy)

- Whittling a thirty-two-thousand-man army down to three hundred in order to attack the most feared warriors in the land (Judges 7:1–16)

- Saving the world through a baby born in a barn (Luke 2:1–7)...

So if someone has a dream that makes perfect sense, it really couldn’t be from God. That’s not how He dreams!

We forget that impossible is one of God’s favorite words. He dreams impossible dreams. Why?

  • If you accomplish a possible dream, then you get all the glory.
  • But if you accomplish an impossible dream, then God gets all the glory...

In the end you must ask yourself, whose dream am I going to follow: mine, my parents’, or God’s? God’s dreams are always bigger and better and more unbelievable. His dreams look like these:

- Your neighbors... your community... your school coming to Christ

- Churches in your zip code coming together to pray for revival

- An end to hunger and disease in just one country

- Peace on earth

Dare to dream like God.

~Max on Life

The purpose of impossible dreams is to show the world that an incredible, unbelievable God still exists, and He works in the lives of people.

Excerpted with permission from Let the Journey Begin by Max Lucado, copyright Max Lucado.

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Your Turn

What are your dreams… the gigantic, crazy ones that seem impossible? Are you willing to dare big with God and see what He does through you? ~ Devotionals Daily