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Yielding to God in Prayer

Yielding to God in Prayer

God invites us to pray in such a way that it scares what is scared within us. If you are not praying the type of prayers that scare you, they are certainly not frightening the enemy. — Lisa Bevere, author and teacher

Are you praying big? Are you asking God for the impossible? Sometimes your prayers should scare you.

Let me share something with you. I’ve been convicted recently. Convicted that I have not trusted God fully or prayed expectantly because I thought it was easier to pray small and not be disappointed than to take a chance on something big and believe that God might actually come through. God convicted me of limiting His full power in my life as a result.

Just as He is asking me, He is asking you to risk being disappointed if the potential payoff is seeing Him do great things. So what if you ask and He says no? Because remember, He is always saying yes. We just may not see the whole picture.

Yielding means taking a risk. And praying big is taking a risk.

So yield. Surrender. Let go. Read His Word and understand His revealed will in Scripture. Obey His small instructions and obey the big commands. Be one of the radical few who are willing to believe that God ultimately will not disappoint when you hope in Him.

Then put your big girl panties on, take a deep breath, dive in, and trust Him for the impossible! Have you ever believed God for the big and seen Him come through? Write about those times in your journal to remind yourself of God’s faithfulness in your life.

Having the courage to pray big may leave you feeling a little limp. Because you are still afraid to believe. I know you may be afraid to surrender all the way. I know you are struggling with unbelief. I’ve been there. I get it.

If that’s where you are, pray this prayer and know that God is great.

Let’s take it deeper…

Great people do not do great things. God does great things through surrendered people. — Jennie Allen, author and teacher

Your prayer life represents your will to surrender. Your prayers say to God that you are willing to trust Him for an outcome rather than relying on yourself.

The key is to pray about everything. The big and the small. The special and the normal. Then get up from your prayer and act like you believe God can handle it.

I know you have big dreams. I know you have grand desires. I know you want to trust Him for the impossible.

God can do above and beyond anything you could ever ask or think. Don’t give up on your prayers. And don’t pick up what you surrendered to Him on your knees.

Pray surrendered. Live surrendered. Watch Him do great things!

This level of faith will push you to pray even when you don’t see a sensible way out, through, or around.

This level of faith will help you realize that the point of prayer is acknowledging that you don’t have the answers.

You pray because you choose to believe that He does.

And you pray because you choose to trust Him between where you are and where you want to be.

Call to Him. He will answer. And He will tell you things that you did not know.

It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. It may not be next year. But hindsight is always 20/20, and you will see that His invisible hand was always present if you trust Him one step at a time.




Then wait.

He will answer.

Excerpted with permission from The 28-Day Prayer Journey by Chrystal Evans Hurst, copyright Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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Your Turn

Prayer Prompt: Dear God, You are powerful. You can do the impossible. I also know that You are patient. Thank You, Lord, for being patient with me. Come share how you’re offering your trust to the Lord today on our blog!