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For I Know the Plans I Have for You

For I Know the Plans I Have for You

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. — Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Have you ever found yourself at the end of a day thinking,“I had no idea when I woke up today that by tonight my life would have changed so much”? Perhaps you just discovered that you are going to be a mom, or perhaps you heard the doctor say, “Your cancer is back.” One day can definitely change the landscape of a human life.

Think of Moses standing before the burning bush, or Mary learning she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. What about Noah being given the assignment to build an ark bigger than a football field, or Simon Peter being called from his career as a fisherman to be an itinerant preacher? Then there was the shepherd David chosen to be king of Israel and the Christian-killing Saul chosen to be the amazing preacher/evangelist/church planter/theologian Paul.

These are dramatic examples of God’s life-changing power, a power we encounter in quieter moments as well . . . such as when he comes alongside to calm our worries, to remind us of his faithfulness, to shine his guiding light into the darkness of our confusion, to touch our hearts with hope when circumstances seem hopeless, to whisper to us of his love. Even a gentle touch from the Father can change the landscape of our life.

What day in your life, if any, came to mind as you read the first paragraph of today’s devotional? Describe what happened and what made that day so significant.

Sometimes instead of changing our circumstances, God changes our hearts. When have you experienced that kind of his work in your life? Thank him for it. Please feel free to share your responses in our comments section below.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, I don’t need drama; I just need you. Help me to rest in your promise that your plans for me are plans for good—and help me to follow your lead and cooperate with your Spirit as those plans unfold.