
Forgiving What You Can't Forget
by Lysa TerKeurst

Bible Study Resources

Forgiving What You Can't Forget
by Lysa TerKeurst

Bible Study Resources

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Go deeper with the Study Guide and companion hardcover book.

Study Guide

Just the basics – The Study Guide is a crucial companion resource to this study. This helpful guide includes space for guided weekly reflection and session notes.

Forgiving What You Can't Forget
Bible Study Guide

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FREE forgiveness resources and art print when you buy the Forgiving What You Can’t Forget Bible Study Guide by Lysa TerKeurst – delivered to your email after purchase.

Forgiving What You Can't Forget Study Guide
Forgiving What You Can't Forget
The Forgiveness Journal

Or purchase each study resource individually

Recommended — Get the most out of your experience with the study guide!

Forgiving What You Can't Forget
Study Guide

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Go deeper into your forgiveness journey with the book

Forgiving What You Can't Forget

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A guided journey to forgiving what you can't forget

The Forgiveness Journal

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Forgiving What You Can't Forget

Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That's Beautiful Again

Why should I have to be the one who forgives when I'm the one who has already suffered the most?

We know God commands us to forgive. But how, when the hurt plays over and over in our mind? And why, when we have already suffered so much? And, are there exceptions, such as when the other person keeps inflicting pain?

After more than 1,000 hours of theological study, Lysa has discovered that Scripture not only offers the truth about forgiveness that our souls desperately need, but practical ways to let go of our bound-up resentment and finally heal.

If you have felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, or resistant to forgiving people who aren’t willing to make things right, you need the life-giving freedom that comes with learning how to forgive what you can't forget.

The Forgiveness Journal

A Guided Journey to Forgiving What You Can't Forget

You deserve to stop suffering through what other people have done to you. Discover the life-changing message of forgiveness in this lovely four-color journal, written by Lysa TerKeurst, complete with personal photographs and interactive content. Lysa will guide you as you engage with questions about what forgiveness is, process through what it isn't, and understand how to deal with difficult relationships.

Over the last few years, Lysa TerKeurst has experienced seasons of total devastation that left her wondering, Will I ever recover from this? But in the face of hurt that felt impossible to move past, Lysa has found journaling to be a life-giving way to help let go of bitterness, process resentments, and live in the freedom of forgiving others. Now she is passionate about coming alongside readers on our own journeys of forgiveness, whether the deepest pain comes from years ago or is still happening today.

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Also Available from Lysa TerKeurst

Seeing Beautiful Again

50 Devotions to Find Redemption in Every Part of Your Story

In the middle of the pain you didn't cause, the change you didn't want, the reality you didn't know was coming . . . your life can still be beautiful. We all have stories full of sorrow and celebration because of situations we've faced. But with God, there's always more than we see being worked out behind the scenes. In Seeing Beautiful Again, Lysa TerKeurst shares how she processed seasons of disappointment and heartbreak, while inviting you to hope again.

While there's no denying there are parts of our story we'd love to edit out, what if those circumstances are the unlikely ingredients God is using to weave together a greater good we'd never want to miss out on? Together we'll discover the indescribable gift of our God, who breathes life into even the shattered pieces of our stories, creating something new and more beautiful than ever before.

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