Cómo preparar y predicar mejores sermones: Consejos para convertir una predicación común en extraordinaria

By: Rigoberto M. Gálvez
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SPANISH ORIGINAL: After analyzing many of his own sermons and from other preachers, the author discovers that there is an epidemy that has been damaging the preaching of the church for decades: coldness, abstraction, amusement, spectacle and academism. How, then, can we discover the secret to transforming ordinary and boring sermons into extraordinary ones? How do we write them? Reverend Gálvez, after having served many years in the Ministry of the Word, has discovered how to write and preach memorable sermons. He has done this by giving a good title to each sermon, writing the right introduction, solid divisions of the sermons, defining shape of the body and form, finding a coherent unit in the different parts of the sermons, emphasizing the essential truths, and making them relevant in a simple, interesting, understandable, credible, compassionate manner depending on the guidance from the Holy Spirit.

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