Do It Scared: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Adversity, and Create a Life You Love - Audiobook (Unabridged)

By: Ruth Soukup
Narrated by: Ruth Soukup, Abby Rike
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Includes an audiobook-exclusive interview of the author in conversation with motivational speaker and author Abby Rike!

What would you do if fear no longer stood in your way?

What would happen if you were no longer afraid to dive in, head first, and go after your dreams, instead of feeling like you were sitting on the sidelines of your own life?

What then?

We tell ourselves we are too busy to pursue our dreams. That there's no time, or that it's not practical. But what if the real reason we're putting off our goals is FEAR?

The fear that we're not good enough, not smart or talented or capable enough.

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