God and Government: An Insider's View on the Boundaries between Faith and Politics

By: Charles W. Colson
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How should Christians live their faith in the public arena?

Twenty years ago, the first edition of Chuck Colson's Kingdoms in Conflict became a bestseller, a must-read for people interested in politics and the relationship between church and state. Now, with a passion for truth and moved by the urgency of the times we live in, Colson has written God and Government, re-voicing his powerful and enduring message for our post-9/11 world.

In an era when Christianity is being attacked from every side--books being written charging Christians with being theocrats and trying to impose their views on an unwilling culture--what is the message of the Christian church? What does the Bible say, and what do we learn from history about the proper relationship between faith and culture? Appealing to scripture, reason, and history, this book tackles society's most pressing and divisive issues.

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