Words from the Window Seat: The Everyday Magic of Kindness, Courage, and Being Your True Self - Audiobook (Unabridged)

By: Taylor Tippett
Narrated by: Chloe Dolandis
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Flight attendant Taylor Tippett had just finished beverage service and was sitting in the back of a Boeing 737 when she had a revelation: How can I show kindness to these passengers if I can't show it to myself? She grabbed a tiny notepad and a Sharpie and wrote a simple message that would change her life: "Be kind to yourself. "

Before she had time to think about it, Taylor taped the note to a window, posted a picture, and then left the slip of paper in a seat-back pocket for someone on the next flight to find. What started as a personal project to encourage herself and others soon became a viral sensation.

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