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A-Z Back-to-School Prayers

A-Z Back-to-School Prayers

Whether your children are heading off to public school or private school, home school or maybe even boarding school, one of the most important things you can do for the new school year is pray with boldness on their behalf. Our kids are living in a world with no absolutes. Prayer is one of the powerful ways we parents can model a faithful life and protect them from the attack of the enemy. Not sure what to pray? We’ve made it easy for you this A-Z guide of prayer ideas and enjoy the free printable!

Free Printable – A-Z Back-To-School Prayers

Click the image above or on this link to get the FREE printable (PDF) – A-Z Back-To-School Prayers.

A – Afraid (Psalm 27:1) “Please impress upon my children’s hearts, that You desire to be their light and salvation and the strength of their life. With You, they do not need to be afraid.”

B – Boldness (Proverbs 28:1) “May my children be bold as lions and always know that the righteous are safe within Your will.”

C – Courage (Joshua 1:9) “Please fill my children with strength and courage. Help them know that courage and integrity will protect them. Allow them to choose to do the right thing, even when others do not.”

D – Defense (1 Peter 3:15) “Go with them, Jesus. Help them to spend time with You in their private life so that they always have an answer to those who ask of the hope within them. May they always give a grace-filled answer.”

E – Eternal (Ephesians 3:11-12) “Make known to my children Your eternal purpose accomplished through Christ. You can provide them boldness and confidence through your eternal plan.”

F – Faith (Ephesians 6:16) “Help my children to daily take up the shield of faith, so that they can defend themselves from the fiery darts of the enemy.”

G – Gird (Ephesians 6:14) “Allow them to gird their waist with Your truth. We live in a world with no absolutes. Help them never to compromise the truth found in Your Holy Word.”

H – Helper (Hebrews 13:6) “Heavenly Father, be my children’s Helper right this very moment. Help them to know that with You, they don’t have to fear.”

I – If (Romans 8:31) “As my children may question their strength at times, help them to know that You are for them and no one can stand against them.”

J – Jesus (Hebrews 10:19) “Because of Your blood, Jesus. All because of Your blood on the cross. As my children enter and walk the halls of their school, may they know that any good in their life comes from the perfect and complete work on the cross.”

K – Kindness (Ephesians 2:7) “May kindness be what my children are known for. Because of the kindness You first showed them through salvation, may they always be kind to others, especially the children that are left out. May they always include others and never bully others.”

L – Lusts (Titus 2:12) “Help my children to deny ungodly behavior and worldly lusts.”

M – Marvel (Acts 4:13) “May others marvel because of my children’s choice to obey God rather than man. May they see a difference in my children, because they’ve spent time with Jesus.”

N – Noble (Philippians 4:8) “Please fill my children’s minds with things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.”

O – The One (Deuteronomy 31:8) “You are the One true God. You are the one who goes before my children and prepares their steps. Please be with them even now and empower them.”

P – Pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17) “Help my children to know that prayer changes everything. Help them to always know, they can talk to You at any moment.”

Q – Quench (1 Thessalonians 5:18-19) “Please show my children that their power and strength comes from living a life of walking in the Spirit. Help them not to quench Your Spirit’s power in their life.”

R – Rock (1 Samuel 2:2) “When my children need strength to stand, help them to know that there is no one holy like You, oh God. There is no rock like You, Jesus.”

S – Stand Fast (1 Corinthians 16:13) “Help my children have the strength to be a leader. When others are choosing to do evil, may my children stand fast, have faith, and be brave.”

T – Take Up (Ephesians 6:13) “Help them to take up the whole armor of God. Please help them learn throughout their life, that spending time with You will give them boldness and strength.”

U – Utterance (Ephesians 6:19-20) “Cause my children to be confident to open their mouths boldly about Your greatness. Please give them great pride in Your amazing power and love. If they boast, may it be in You alone.”

V – Victory (1 Corinthians 15:57) “Please remind my children that the victory has already been won through Your Son, Jesus Christ.”

W – Wait (Psalm 27:14) “Help my children to learn that waiting on You will give them strength and courage.”

X – X-Rated (Psalm 119:37) “Please help my children to turn away from looking at any worthless thing. Protect my children’s eyes from sexual sin and immorality.”

Y – Youth (1 Timothy 4:12) “Empower my children as they go through their day. Help them to know that You love children and don’t want anyone to despise them. Let them be an example to others of what You can do through them.”

Z – Zealous (Titus 2:14) “Please help my children to run from evil and despise it, and be zealous of good works.”

Many of these prayers center on the hope that our children will be brave and stand tall and proud in their faith this year.

Join me in praying over our children throughout this school year, and encouraging them to act on their faith with boldness. It’s difficult for kids to know exactly what it looks like to walk in faith every day, but if we give them specific examples of things they can do, it seems more manageable!

And if you’re looking for a great resource on making prayer a daily part of your children’s lives, look no further than the Lucado Treasury of Bedtime Prayers from Max & Denalyn Lucado, where kids learn about the four different kinds of prayer: worship, trust, compassion and gratitude. Plus, mommies to young babies can let them know they’re praying for them with I Prayed For You. And children can practice thankfulness with the adorable board book A Night Night Prayer.

Your Turn

What are some of your hopes & concerns for your children in this new school year? Which of these prayers resonated most with you? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!