With the New Year often comes new schedules and new routines . Like many parents, we are reflecting on when to have family devotions with our children. There’s no perfect time for everyone, and being flexible is often the key to success. By thinking outside the box, children can learn through our example that time with God can be had anywhere and anytime. Check out these unique times to enjoy devotions with your kids!
Drop-off Lines
Do you wait in line at the school once arriving? Maybe you carpool and have 10 minutes between pickup times. Or do you have a few minutes of downtime while waiting for the bus? Each of these times could be used to read a short devotional and pray for the day.
Between activities
If your routine is to go straight from school to dance class, then perhaps those few minutes while waiting for class to start would be a great time to enjoy a Bible verse or devotional page together. Think about your schedule and reflect on any small time slots of 10-15 minutes when transitions are made. Maximize those minutes and choose to embrace the time you have.
Right after dinner
Our family keeps a basket of devotionals close by the kitchen table. We typically read for a few minutes right after dinner. When evening activities are more flexible due to a holiday or vacation, we’ve found that even during dinner can be a great time to talk about Jesus and enjoy a short devotional.
Bath Time
For little ones, getting them to sit still long enough to listen can be a challenge. When mine were toddlers and preschoolers, we utilized bath time for a lot of things. We used to write out “Jesus (heart) Michael” using bath paint soap and then talk about how he washes our sins away as we washed the paint off the shower wall. Reading a Bible verse from a devotional while they play with tub toys and listen can be a wonderful devotional opportunity!
During after-school snack
If your regular routine includes an after-school snack, incorporating a prayer and short devo might be a wonderful time for your children to reset and recharge after a day of school. Praying for the snack and then reading while your kids eat could be a wonderful time to rest in Jesus before the dinner prep or evening activities and routines begin.
While having devotions with our kids can seem like a lot of work, it doesn’t have to be! Capturing the time we have and enjoying a few minutes focused on Jesus and His Word is rewarding.
If you’re looking for devotionals that will meet your children on their level, our family has a few favorites:
Grace for the Moment, 365 Devotions for Kids is a fantastic daily devotional by Max Lucado. I Can Learn the Bible contains a wonderful weekly emphasis on 52 Scriptures every kid should know. Every Day a Blessing is a year of God’s love devotional that will provide a delightful experience.
Your Turn
Are there certain times of day that you’ve discovered work well for your family to have devotions together? We’d love to hear about them today!