
Preparing Our Hearts and Minds for Easter

Holiday seasons are wonderful, but it’s easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of preparations for activities and forget that our hearts and minds need preparation as well. Easter ...

8 Tips for Maintaining a Family Summer Schedule

Keeping a family summer schedule can be sanity-saving and yet tough to maintain at the same time. Summer is a wonderful break from academic routines and along with the warmer ...

Holy Week Activities for Kids

The days and week before Easter, also known as Holy Week, can be a wonderful time of encouraging children to understand the significance of the days before Christ’s crucifixion and ...

How to Make Bible Time Fun for Your Kids

Planning Bible time that’s memorable and fun for the entire family can be a challenge. As parents, we intentionally try to snag some time to be purposeful about learning the ...

How to Choose a Bible Translation for Your Child

I’ll never forget it. I was in first grade and reading! The excitement welled up in my chest when I walked past the kindergarten room and into my new Sunday ...

Indescribable - Teaching Kids to Be in Awe of God's Creation

How did people live when dinosaurs were around? How did the stars get in the sky? How does gravity really work? If you’ve heard these questions, or similar ones, from ...

Helping Our Kids Learn to Not Quit

The season is halfway through, but your child doesn’t want to play on the team anymore. The other players are having difficulty showing up for all the agreed practices and ...

Red Jell-O and the Red Sea: Bible Adventure Stories Every Kid Will Love

I’ll never forget the day my Sunday School teacher pulled back two large strips of red Jell-O by cellophane paper to allow my little fingers to walk through the “Red ...

5 Unique Times to Enjoy Devotions with Your Kids

With the New Year often comes new schedules and new routines . Like many parents, we are reflecting on when to have family devotions with our children. There’s no perfect ...

4 Reasons Bedtime Stories Are Important

“But it’s still light out. Why do we have to go to bed?” I reasoned.“Because it’s bedtime,” Mom always replied. And so my three younger siblings and I would lie ...

Creative Ideas to Teach Children the Power of God’s Word

In recent weeks, one of my pastors told the story of a scary encounter he and his 6-year-old son experienced. The little boy looked up at his father and said, ...

When Life’s Not Fair: Teaching Your Child through Sportsmanship

“That’s not fair!”Can’t you just hear the whining and complaining in the exclamation? Nearly every parent will hear those annoying three words exclaimed by a child at some point in ...

11 Simple Ways to Get into God’s Word Daily with Your Kids

Today I’m sharing our list of 11 simple ways to get into God’s Word daily with your kids. No matter the time of year, reading the Bible is fun and ...

Five Ways to Help Your Child Trust God in Tough Times

When life is interrupted by distress or disaster, trusting God can be hard for adults, but especially for children. Children need help dealing with tragedy and understanding how to trust ...

5 Simple Ways to Help Children Feel Secure

In society today, we receive news and media coverage faster than ever before. Our children can easily overhear updates about national disasters on the radio in the grocery store. They ...

Nighttime Comforts of Rhymes and Rhythm

Can you recall your favorite bedtime story from your childhood? Perhaps you remember a certain book read by a devoted parent who had memorized almost every word? Many adults can! ...

Free Resources

Free Bible Study featuring 6 of your favorite Bible teachers

Free Bible Study featuring 6 of your favorite Bible teachers

Unpack the incredible stories of 6 women in the Old Testament! Join the FREE Online Bible Study and get access to 6 study videos and other Bible study resources - all free when you sign up! Study starts 4/21