Blog For Christian Women by Christian Women

When God Is Silent... Discern the Reason for Your Season

God (Sometimes) Seems Silent One day, we won’t need to trust His love any longer, because we’ll be in the presence of our One Great Love. After endless years of ...

Be Moved. Do Something.

Be Moved Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same. — Luke 3:11 NIV Human hurt ...

What am I Doing Wrong?

Have you ever thought, I’m doing everything I should be doing but not getting what I thought I would get? I told my husband I was doing Whole30, a thirty-day ...

Relentless: A Prison

A God who is with you in your doubt ~ John Flavel, Late minister of the Gospel at Dartmouth It was my third trip to the airport in four days. ...

Seen, Secure, Free

Editor’s note: Our next Online Bible Study — Hidden by Allison Allen — starts July 22nd! Join us at the beach this summer... Here’s a note from Allison just for ...

Praying the Names of God: Husband

ISH ִאישַׁ Ish is the Hebrew word for “husband” in Hosea 2:2, 16. The word ba’al in the Hebrew Scriptures can also be translated “husband” (as well as “lord,” “owner,” ...

The Lord of Heaven Is on His Throne

  When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? — Psalm 8:3-4 When tragedy strikes, whether personal, national, or global, people wonder how God could allow such things to happen. What can He ...

Break Every Chain

Some sat in darkness, in utter darkness, prisoners suffering in iron chains… Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. He brought ...

God Takes Boundary Violations Very Seriously and So Should We

 It’s so easy to be charmed into dropping a boundary. We can have a few good days or even a few good months when it seems things are better. But ...

Angels in Our Midst

This book provides a double blessing, not only for those who read this book, but also those who benefit from its success. ~ Ron Hall, New York Times bestselling author, ...


Samuel anointed David to replace Saul as king, which eventually led to the division of Israel. TODAY’S READING: 2 SAMUEL 5 So all the elders of Israel came to the ...

Forgiveness: When We Know We Should, but We Don’t Know How

That relationship. Yeah, that one. When you began the relationship, you didn’t sign up for heartache or headaches, did you? Oh sure, you know conflict is part of life. Everyone ...

I Want God Most

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. — Matthew 22:37 Before I started writing this book, I started shopping. ...

Boundaries: The Power of No

Every June when I was growing up, my sisters and I would pack our bags and kiss our daddy goodbye to go stay with our mom for the three months ...

Think About What You Think About

In her short thirteen years Rebecca Taylor has endured more than fifty-five surgeries and medical procedures and approximately one thousand days in the hospital. Christyn, Rebecca’s mom, talks about her ...

God Is Holding Your Hand

Breathe Deep and Know: You can give the worries you’re holding to the One who holds you in His hands. He is there to help you. Have you ever been ...

Free Resources

Free Online Bible Study by Max Lucado

Free Online Bible Study by Max Lucado

Are we living in the end times? Join the FREE Online Bible Study with Max Lucado and discover that for followers of Christ, the best is yet to come. Plus, get access to 6 study videos, and other Bible study resources - all free when you sign up! Study starts 10/21.