Blog for Christian Men to Challenge and Equip

The Dude's Guide to Marriage: Listening to Your Wife

Husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way. — 1 Peter 3:7 Women like it when you listen to them. They are funny that way. My wife often asks ...

Love Everybody, Always

“Love one another.” What is simple often isn’t easy; what is easy often doesn’t last.  It was a lawyer like me who tried to set up Jesus. This lawyer asked ...

Why Your Prayers Need to Be Dangerous

Hey, Craig, do you believe God still does miracles?” “Of course,” I said. “Good — because your prayers are so lame.” I tried to laugh with him, but my friend’s ...

Time for a Fresh Start

Is anything too hard for the Lord? — Genesis 18:14 It’s a brand-new year. It’s the time of year we start thinking about making changes. This year, rather than writing ...

Chasing Failure: Kobe Made Me Do It

The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his ...

The Gift of Friendship

Editor’s note: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien were two of the most prolific writers of faith and fiction in the 20th century. They were also great friends, and Tolkien was ...

How God the Father Initiates a Man

Desperate for Initiation A man needs to know his name. He needs to know he’s got what it takes. And I don’t mean “know” in the modernistic, rationalistic sense. I ...

Why Does God Allow Mental Illness?

And what is the purpose of suffering? I once worked with a man who started limping around the office one day. He had tripped during a recent half-marathon and thought ...

Don't Fear Weakness

Editor’s note: Bear Grylls is a survivor. You’ve likely seen him on one of his many survival and adventure TV shows, such as Man Vs. Wild, You Vs. Wild, The ...

Becoming a King: Becoming Powerful

The great problem of the earth and the great aim of the masculine journey boil down to this: when can you trust a man with power? ~ John Eldredge A ...

It is a Great Thing to be a Man

Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in His ways and keeping His statutes, His commandments, His rules, and His ...

Depression: Fighting Dragons

Being the HuntedWhat did Jesus call people who were attacked by dragons, regardless of the righteous way they were conducting their lives? Jesus called these people normal. Jesus made a ...

Where is Our Fear Taking Us?

Fear FrenzyYou’ve probably heard that fear of public speaking is one of the greatest fears in our society. That doesn’t come from some random backwoods survey. It actually originated with ...

Jesus, Born a Servant

Editor’s note: As we celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas, enjoy these two short but powerful devotions on the beauty of the Incarnation from Eugene Peterson, beloved pastor and ...

Thanksgiving Proclamation - George Washington

George Washington (1732–1799), the first President of the United States, was a deeply religious man. The famous portrait of Washington kneeling in prayer at Valley Forge captures his religious zeal ...

Continue the Work of God

The annual National Religious Broadcasters conference came around again in the spring of 2020, right before the virus shut everything down. NRB held a bittersweet place in my life. It ...

Free Resources

Free Bible Study featuring 6 of your favorite Bible teachers

Free Bible Study featuring 6 of your favorite Bible teachers

Unpack the incredible stories of 6 women in the Old Testament! Join the FREE Online Bible Study and get access to 6 study videos and other Bible study resources - all free when you sign up! Study starts 4/21