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Kindness is a Calling for all Christians

Kindness is a Calling for all Christians

When we were growing up, my sister and I brought home stray kitties and puppies that had missing fur, broken limbs, and in one case, missing a leg altogether. The animals that had absolutely no hope of ever being adopted and were one breath away from their last—those were the ones we loved the most. At school, I found myself often drawn to the outcasts. The little girl who had not one friend to her name I took under my wing. When the mean kids chased her on the playground, calling her names, I grabbed her hand and helped her run for refuge. When the boy who always misbehaved in class (probably because he had absolutely no one at home showing him the right way to behave) was denied a treat at the end of the day when the rest of the class got one, I gave him mine. Later in life, that same boy was killed in a drive-by shooting. It’s entirely possible that he went through his entire life never being accepted or loved for who he was, and that to me is a true tragedy.

The Bible says, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). I interpret that to mean that God is paying close attention to how you treat those people in life who are weaker, meeker, and less fortunate than you. It takes such little effort on our part to make someone feel a little bit more loved, a little more accepted, a little more celebrated.

The Single Woman Says: The way you treat people who are in no position to help you, further you, or benefit you reveals the true state of your heart.

Many races, religions, and groups of people are unfortunately treated as outcasts in our society. As human beings, it is our place to bring people in from the fringes and welcome them into the fold. All it takes is one look at Jesus and His ragged band of misfit disciples to see a shining example of how to give meaning and hope and purpose to those who society has collectively turned its back on.

You never know the impact you are making on someone’s life just by showing them kindness and love. For them, you might be the difference between success and failure, holding on and giving up, and perhaps even life and death.

Take a moment to look around you and identify those in your workplace, in your church, at your gym, and on the street who don’t quite fit in. Who better to identify with people looking for a place to belong than single women? It’s easy sometimes to feel awkward and misplaced at social gatherings, family reunions, and even church social groups. Next time you see that girl at church cowering in the corner because she hasn’t been to church in years and doesn’t feel quite worthy to be there, it should be easy for you to give her a hug and welcome her into the fold!

Look around you for people to reach out to: The single mom in line in front of you at the grocery store who is a dollar short of buying food for her family. The older gentleman in your class who’s working three jobs to put himself through school and finally get that degree. The recently divorced friend who has never felt more alone. Give them a smile, a hug, an encouraging word, a helping hand. There are many different callings in life, and kindness is one of them. Answer that call today, and give the person on the other end a little more hope.

Photo by: pojoslaw (