Then the woman... came trembling and fell at His feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched Him and how she had been instantly healed. Then He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.” — Luke 8:47–48
The more everyone chatted happily about Christmas plans, the lonelier I became.
Overwhelmed with working as a teacher and caring for my husband, I had no idea how to survive until Christmas. Holiday activities I enjoyed before my husband’s spinal stroke, like decorating and baking, were now luxuries of time, and I didn’t know how to shoehorn them into my schedule.
How is it that sometimes we can be lonelier in a group than when we’re actually alone?
That question reminded me of the woman in Luke 8 who had suffered from bleeding for twelve years. Considered unclean, cultural norms of the day dictated that she live apart from her family and friends. During that time, she was lonely until she braved the crowd because she believed Jesus could heal her. I imagine she felt more alone than ever amid the people. Yet she pushed her way through the crowd until she could touch Jesus’ robe. Miraculously, she was healed. Healed, she was able to return to her people — no longer alone.
What’s more, Jesus noticed her in the crowd and sought her out.
Often, we hear this story and think of her faith and physical healing, but today I am left thinking about her loneliness. After years of being invisible, she would forever know that she was visible to Jesus. She reached out to Him from the loneliness of the crowd, and He assured her that she was not alone.
When our circumstances lead us to feel like outsiders — invisible and alone — He offers us that same certainty. Therefore, we can reach out from our lonely place and know that He sees us.
What’s more,
- He is with us in every season (Matthew 28:20), ensuring we’re never alone.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are always there for me. No matter how far removed I feel from those around me, You’ve shown through Your Word that You notice every one of us. Thank You that when I reach out to You, You leave me less lonely. Remind me of these truths when the lonely feelings in a crowd press in. Amen.
~ Rebecca Petersen
When we feel lonely in a crowd, Jesus notices us.
Finding Belonging in Loneliness
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day... What is unseen is eternal.— 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Smacking her lips with a satisfied “ahhh,” my momma pulled the Styrofoam cup of cold cranberry juice, her “pretty juice” as she calls it, from her lips. She offered it to me with a childlike smile that is common as she is now in mid-stage dementia. This current journey with her is complicated by the longings I’ve experienced throughout our entire relationship — namely to be known and accepted by her.
I find it ironic that a disease known to rob memories has opened a door for us to connect. As she navigates through days of simple joys while struggling to remember who I am, I have the choice to join her in the moment or begrudge the relationship we didn’t have.
As the lonely little girl wanting to be loved by a woman who wasn’t capable, I have often wrestled with this in my heart. When this battle wages inside me, I remind myself I’m not alone because God has faithfully provided other women with whom I can share life. And most importantly, I have a parent, my Father God, who tugs on my heart to say,
You received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as His own children. Now we call Him, ‘Abba, Father’. — Romans 8:15 NLT
I have found true belonging knowing that God has adopted and provided for me as His own child. Even as my momma’s mind fails her, her childlike heart and actions are those of a girl longing to be held by our adoptive Father. It’s a bittersweet peace God is providing in this journey we didn’t ask to travel. I’m learning to be present and enjoy my momma just as she is, knowing I have authentic, loving, and supporting friends as “sisters” who understand my loss — and a Father who knows, accepts, and loves me.
Lord, thank You for showing me that You love us as Your own children, chosen and seen. As I walk this lonely path of a difficult relationship with my loved one, remind me to see her heart as You do. I am grateful for the women You have provided in my life. Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus, who is God with us. In His name, amen.
~ Kimberly Leonard
God provides for me in my loneliness.
Excerpted with permission from Praying Through Loneliness by Kristen Strong, copyright Kristen Strong.
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Your Turn
Let’s take our loneliness and disappointments to Jesus who came to be with us. When it’s painful because we feel alone, or not understood, or not seen, or when it seems like others around us have deep relationships while we don’t, let’s realize that Jesus came to be with us. ~ Devotionals Daily