
Surrounded, Alone

Then the woman... came trembling and fell at His feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched Him and how she had been instantly ...

When the Loneliness of Relational Distance Steals Your Christmas Joy

Disappointment flooded me as my son, whose job takes him far away from our home in Colorado, told my husband and me that he couldn’t join us for Christmas. While ...

Everyone Feels Lonely Sometimes

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. — 1 John 4:7 Years ago, I had breakfast with a group of writer friends who gather once ...

Free Resources

Free Easter Bible Study with Christine Caine and Lisa Harper

Free Easter Bible Study with Christine Caine and Lisa Harper

Easter isn’t just a point in history - it’s the point of history! Join the FREE Online Bible Study with Christine Caine and Lisa Harper and get access to 4 study videos and other Bible study resources - all free when you sign up! Study starts 3/17