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You’re Invited to our Spring OBS (And it’s Your Pick)!

You’re Invited to our Spring OBS (And it’s Your Pick)!

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland… — Isaiah 43:10

Hey, friends! You’re in for a treat! For the first time ever, we’re offering two completely different Online Bible Studies for you to choose from this spring — both incredible studies that will help you know God’s Word more deeply and grow in your relationship with Him. They’re perfect for spring — this season for growth and new beginnings, the time to try some new Bible study methods!

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I’m sensing among all of us this year a greater drive for more of Jesus, more of the Word, more fire for the Kingdom, right? Do you feel God stirring us up? Well, these studies are going to help us dig into the Word like never before! And I love that we’re going to be studying two great books of the Bible (either Acts or Galatians).

The two studies are…

Galatians: Accepted and Free by Jada Edwards. This in-depth study walks verse-by-verse through the book of Galatians for six weeks and includes beautiful artwork and coloring pages!

Verse Mapping Acts with Kristy Cambron. Don’t let the “mapping” part daunt you! You don’t need any special skills like a cartography; this is getting into God’s Word with what you already have — hunger (and maybe a concordance if you want to get really fancy). This is an in-depth study through the book of Acts for six weeks, and introduces you to a Bible study method called verse mapping!

If you’re wondering “how on earth am I supposed to choose between them?”, here’s some guidance:


First, think about topic…

Galatians — The epistle of Galatians is one of the most important letters written by Paul and is as relevant to us today as it was when written to the early Church! This study is for anyone who has ever felt rejected or unaccepted, who is tired of striving to try to be good enough, achieve enough, or accomplish enough. This journey through Galatians will help us claim the freedom and acceptance we have in Christ! From the deepest recesses of your soul you will see that you are wholly and fully accepted in Christ, by Christ and, through Christ. From your birth, God has called and chosen you — yes, you!

Acts — The themes of the Acts study are about the thriving community of the newly formed church — its beginnings and the gospel’s spread from Jerusalem to Rome, and the believer’s unity with the Holy Spirit. We will be studying the events of Pentecost, Stephen’s stoning, Saul’s radical conversion, Peter’s imprisonment, Paul’s travels to Greece, and more. Through this study you’ll see that we have the same access to the Holy Spirit that the disciples did, and you’ll find inspiration from their boldness, courage, and faith as we verse-map the life-or-death growth of the early church.


Second, think about your learning style…

The Galatians study offers a visually rich study guide in the new Beautiful Word Study series and you’ll be memorizing a Scripture each week through coloring pages. (Coloring while memorizing is proven to help with retention!) Sometimes the Bible can seem overwhelming, but this study makes God’s Word come alive in a fresh new way!

🎨 🖍️ If you’re a right-brain learner who loves seeing your favorite Bible verses illustrated, this one is for you!

The Acts study uses a technique called Verse Mapping and is for anyone with a deep desire to unpack the meaning of the Scriptures in the Bible.

📖 🖋️ If you’re a left-brain learner and get excited about Hebrew/Greek definitions, comparing translations, finding connections in the Word, and learning as much as you can from your time with the Holy Spirit — then #versemapping is for you!


Finally, pray about it!

Maybe both sound interesting to you. In that case, ask the Lord which one is right for you.

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Your Turn

Invite some friends and let’s do this together! Who’s in?!? Show of hands! 🙋🏾🙋🏿🙋🏻🙋🏼🙋🏽

P.S. As always, there will be goodies! When you sign up receive for FREE access to all the study videos with the authors, downloads of the first sessions of the study guides, and other bonus printables and freebies.

Be sure to watch your Faith.Full emails the rest of this week as I talk a little bit more about each of the studies and introduce you to the Bible teachers!