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You Are Not Defined By What You Achieve

You Are Not Defined By What You Achieve

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. — Proverbs 16:18

So many of us try to define ourselves by our accomplishments, to find our worth in what we’ve done, instead of in whom we belong to. We want to let our achievements, our victories, our trophies, our wins to define us instead of acknowledging God as the source of all good things in our lives. We want to take the credit and be known as a winner, a leader, someone who “has it all together.”

And when things are going well, which usually means going the way we want them to go, life feels great. We have enough money in the bank, our home stays clean, our spouse is devoted, and our kids are healthy and happy. When it’s all going great, we feel like we’re the source. We want to take credit.

The problem is pride, and pride can be intoxicating. But the hangover is inevitable. We’re human; we have many limitations; we must rely on God. When we lose sight of our identity and start suffering spiritual amnesia, we often feel like we’re drowning in our emotions. And it’s not just the storms of anger and pride that can capsize us. On the surface, we can appear calm and in control, even as an emotional riptide pulls us under into the depths of despair.

If we want to defeat pride, then we must remain humble and dependent on God. When we fight pride, we’re growing in humility.

Where does God want you to grow in humility today?

Power Lift

Lord, thank you for reminding me that I have nothing except for You. May all I do bring glory to You, not to me.

Excerpted with permission from Daily Power by Craig Groeschel, copyright Craig Groeschel.

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Your Turn

Where has pride tripped you up? How can you become more dependent on God today as you pursue humility? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Could you use a quick burst of daily power? Craig Groeschel’s devotional Daily Power: 365 Days of Fuel for Your Soul features short, power-packed devotions like the one above and will help you develop a consistent, daily pursuit of Jesus.